Mormons and the Media, 1898–2003

A Selected, Annotated, and Indexed Bibliography
(with Suggestions for Future Research)


Print, electronic, and other forms of communications media have been consistently perceived and characterized by leaders of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints as tools to assist in spreading the gospel message throughout the world. President Spencer W. Kimball said, “Technology will help spread the gospel. . . . We shall use the inventions the Lord has given us to awaken interest and acquaint people of the world with [gospel] truths.”1 More recently, President Gordon B. Hinckley said, “The Lord has inspired skilled men and women in developing new technologies which we can use to our great advantage in moving forward this sacred work.”2

Given this perspective, the Church from its earliest days has used various forms of media as vehicles of communication. It has produced or been affiliated with the production of numerous newspapers and magazines in the United States and in several countries worldwide. In the twentieth century, the Church embraced electronic media technologies promptly. “Music and the Spoken Word from Temple Square,” on the air since 1925, is the “longest running continuous program in the history of United States network radio.”3 General conference has been broadcast on radio since 1924, on television since 1949, and via the Internet since 1999. The Church’s official web site ( was launched in 1996, and the Church’s tremendously popular genealogy web site, FamilySearch (, was launched in 1999. In June 2000, all of the articles printed in English in Church magazines since 1971 were placed on where they could be viewed without charge by anyone with Internet access.4

While the Church has sent messages through various media, its organization, leaders, members, and culture have been the subjects of innumerable newspaper and magazine articles; radio, movie, and television stories; books; and Internet sites. This bibliography brings together writing and research documenting the ways that the Church has participated in the media over the years and the ways that it and its members have been portrayed by the media over time.

The Bibliography

Our goal as mass communications scholars was to compile a bibliography of academic scholarship completed to date about issues relating to Mormons and the media. The bibliography provides interested readers with an annotated list of academic studies of Mormons and media communications from 1898 to early 2003. The works, which are cited and indexed, identify both those questions that already have been addressed by scholars and many questions yet to be adequately explored. Each entry’s abstract provides information beyond titles, authors, and dates and should be useful to scholars compiling a literature review on focused topics.

We hope that the bibliography will increase awareness of and encourage the production of relevant research and perhaps, in time, contribute to a more substantive discourse on the role of media in a number of Latter-day Saint forums from classroom to family.

Criteria for Inclusion. The primary criteria for inclusion in the bibliography are that entries be works (1) of academic scholarship and (2) about the mass media and Mormons and/or the Church. With a few early exceptions, the bibliography specifically excludes popular publications or Church media publications, such as Church magazines. The term “media” is interpreted broadly to include many forms of mediated communications. Studies of Mormon-related literature generally are not included, nor are studies of stage plays and other performing arts. Many studies of other scholarly topics relating to Mormons have relied in part on media sources in their citations but are not included here because the focus of this bibliography is specifically on studies of Mormons and media-related subjects and issues. Note, however, that we have also included several references to other bibliographies relating generally to Mormon studies. These are included to assist scholars in finding other relevant works not specifically listed here.

Possible Omissions. While this is a selected bibliography, we fear we inadvertently have overlooked important works about Mormons and the media. We invite readers to contact us about appropriate missing works that should be added to the bibliography and about new works as they are published. The bibliography will be posted online at the BYU Department of Communications web site (www.comms under authors’ names and will be updated periodically.

Organization and Analysis. The bibliography is organized chronologically by decade, then chronologically by year within each decade, and finally alphabetically by author’s name for each year. The chronological presentation is helpful in visualizing the growth and shifting emphasis in scholarship relating to Mormons and the media over time, both in terms of the topics studied and of the number of studies in each decade (see table 1). We have also included lists of the works by author and by subject to further aid in searching the bibliography.

Table 1
Number of Entries in Bibliography by Decade


Number of Entries

























Trends in Academic Studies on Mormons and the Media

Analysis of the bibliography from a chronological perspective suggests five trends of academic studies regarding Mormons and the media. The trends are not exclusive to specific time periods; rather, they are cumulative in that each includes the focus of past studies but represents the introduction of a new focus (new topic, subject, unit of analysis) on academic studies of Mormons and the media.

Bibliographic Era (1890–1910). Little research was conducted by scholars about the media between 1890 and 1910. The term “mass media” was yet to join the American vernacular, radio and film were in early development, and television had not yet emerged.

Nevertheless, as the nineteenth century drew to a close, the steady flow of Church information products resulted in some systematic listings of media sources. Berrian (1898) published a catalogue of books, newspapers, and pamphlets treating Mormon topics. In 1909 a similar resource was created by the New York Public Library (“List of Works” 1909), which followed a bibliography of anti-Mormon works (“Pamphlets” 1906).

Print History (1911–50). During the first half of the twentieth century, much was being written about Mormons in newspapers and other periodicals. Studies of this media coverage, as well as of the nineteenth-century press as it related to Mormons, began to emerge. Media research of this period consists mainly of descriptions and analyses of the Mormon press and coverage in the secular press. Histories of the Deseret News (Penrose 1912), Latter-day Saint periodical literature (Smith 1921), the “Latter-day Saint press” (Merrill 1930), and the press in Illinois (Snider 1933) reflect an emerging belief that print media history broadens understanding of the larger question of how Mormons struggled to integrate with the larger society.

In this period, the fundamental idea emerged that significant historical events in Church history can be explained partly in terms of mass media. Banks (1950), for example, posits that the martyrdom of Joseph Smith was related to suppression of the Nauvoo Expositor. An earlier study by Mulder (1947) suggests that Nordic-language newspapers in Utah encouraged assimilation to both Mormonism and Americanism. Clark (1944) explores the idea that knowledge about “mental contacts” between Mormons and non-Mormons can be expanded through the study of newspapers, and Wolsey’s master’s thesis at Northwestern University contends that the growth of the Church is partly related to radio broadcasting (Wolsey 1949). This Wolsey thesis is the first broadcast-related (rather than print-related) entry in the bibliography.

Press Relations and Cultural Acceptance (1951–60). While histories of newspapers and studies of periodicals continue in the 1950s, the phenomenon of public relations first appears during this period. Research on public relations coincides with the increased use of mass media in missionary work as well as the favorable relationship between President David O. McKay and the press.

Press relations and cultural acceptance studies work from the basic assumption of the power of the media to influence public opinion. The studies (such as Ward’s 1959 study of Mormons in textbooks and Morris’s 1958 analysis of references to Mormonism in general magazines) examine how mediated messages portray Mormons and how mass media can better establish a favorable image for the Church and attract converts. Jeppson (1955), for example, analyzes press relations of a Latter-day Saint mission in France, and in an “information survey” Mullen (1957) makes recommendations for improving Church public relations.

It is also during this period that media content analysis is first used to determine attitudes toward Mormonism. Sostrum (1960) attributes a favorable shift in “Gentile attitudes” to changes in images of Mormons in periodicals.

Interdisciplinary Studies (1961–90). Between 1961 and 1990, media research expands dramatically, in terms of both the number of studies and the number of research questions addressed (175 entries appear in this time period, compared with 32 entries for the thirty years preceding it). As the Church passed through the turbulent political climate of the 1960s and 1970s and as the number of Mormons and Mormon scholars increased, researchers addressed the topic of mass media and Mormons from a variety of new perspectives. A wide range of disciplines including law, the humanities, economics, music, film, broadcast, sociology, and women’s studies was applied to the study of Mormons and media, both in historical and contemporary contexts.

Mormon Audience Analysis (1991–2000). Prior to 1990, research focused primarily on mediated messages. These studies assume that the content of television programs, movies, newspaper articles, and so on held the key to understanding media effects (such as public attitudes toward Mormons). During the last decade of the twentieth century, however, the unit of analysis began to shift from media content to audience members, and studies on Mormon audience analysis began to emerge (see Hinch 1990). These studies assume that the most revealing sources of information about media and its effects are audience members themselves. Instead of relying on descriptions of media content to speculate about the effects of media on audiences, audience researchers ask, How do Mormons describe their media-related experiences in their own words? A number of studies (Stout 1994; Valenti and Stout 1996; Stout, Scott, and Martin 1996) reveal considerable diversity in media use among Mormons. Other recent studies also explore the factors contributing to media selection by Mormon audiences (see Wilson 1997, and Simmons 2002).

Church Members and Mass Media

There is an emerging interest in the ways that Mormons use and make meaning of the media in their personal lives. This interest essentially is the study of the effects of mass media on Mormon readers, listeners, and viewers. There also is a growing interest in the relationship between Mormons and the media. Leaders within the Church increasingly are concerned about media effects, and numerous sermons and articles on the subject continue to be delivered in general conference and to appear in Church publications.5 In addition to these warnings about the media, however, there also are invitations to enjoy mass media that educate and uplift.6 Latter-day Saint ambivalence toward the media underscores the importance of research about media use and media literacy in Mormon culture.

David Whittaker, librarian of the Mormon collection in Brigham Young University’s Harold B. Lee Library, has issued a call to scholars to study books and other printed materials in order to explain and understand the Mormon experience. People become part of a web of community in which they find their identities by means of what they read, he says.7 The same can be said about other media of mass communications. We can better understand individuals and their cultures and communities when we discover what media they consume(d) because, in part, it gives us insight into the “information environment,” “the various levels of discourse at work in any given culture,” and the kinds of knowledge that were and are available to them.8 Whittaker suggests that to understand historical Mormon culture, we need to draw out the full meaning of how works were “received, understood, and used” by members.9 Again, this can be said of contemporary culture as well and of Church members’ consumption and use of all types of mass media.

Suggestions for Future Research

Beyond listing academic resources, this bibliography reflects the values, priorities, and debates of a subculture. These data can be studied from several perspectives.

The bibliography might be conceptualized and discussed by using basic communications models as tools of analysis. Lasswell, for example, describes the central question in communications research in a five-questions model: “Who says what in which channel to whom with what effect?”10 Similarly, Wilbur Schramm (often deemed to be the founder of the Weld of communications) describes the elements of the communications process in what is sometimes called the (simplified) SMCR model: source (the originator or sender of the communication), message (the content of the communication), channel (the particular medium used to convey the message, such as newspaper, radio, or Internet), and receiver (the destination of the communication: the readers, listeners, and viewers).11

Many of the studies of Mormons and the media listed in this bibliography focus on the source (such as studies of particular newspapers and editors), and there are several studies on channels (such as studies of radio, film, and television). There are far fewer on receivers, inviting further research.

While all of the elements of the basic communications models are represented in the bibliography, studies of Mormons and the media have emphasized the “message” over the other elements identified by the five-questions and the SMCR models. That is, content-centered studies, such as how Mormons are portrayed in media, outnumber those focusing on source, channel, receiver, and effects. Given the pervasive role of media in contemporary society, additional audience and effects research will be needed. What media do Mormons consume and why? How do Mormons throughout the world use the media? How does their media use conform to Church admonitions? How do Mormons negotiate issues relating to religious teachings in a secular media context? What is the role of the media in Mormon religious life? How do audiences outside the Church interpret and make use of Church-produced media?

The questions suggested by the basic communications models (and those addressed by many of the studies in the bibliography) often are somewhat narrow in scope. There is a need in studying Mormons and the media to address broader topics, such as those suggested by contemporary communications scholarship using cultural and critical approaches. Such studies might explore, for example, family rules, rituals, and cultures surrounding media; media-related meaning-making by Mormons (epistemological issues); the power and influence implications of media ownership by the Church; Mormon gender studies, ethnic studies, and minority studies in relationship to the media and broader cultures and subcultures; Mormons in larger cultural contexts (in the various international cultures in which they live) as represented in the media and as influenced by local and international media; comparative studies of Mormons and media in various cultural settings; questions about Mormons and popular culture; and engagement with philosophical and ontological questions about mass communications arising from the unique perspective of Latter-day Saint theology, foundational Latter-day Saint texts, and prophetic commentary.

Despite its already heavy representation in the bibliography, the study of mediated images of Mormons remains an important topic for future study. People form opinions about Mormons based on information available from a multiplicity of sources. As the Church grows, so will depictions of Mormons in a variety of media. Analyses of these portrayals in all forms of media (including the Internet) may allow better prediction as to how the Church will be accommodated by the larger society.

The bibliography is heavy on studies of print media, but thin on studies of Mormons and broadcast media. Such studies might include, for example, personalities, content, production organizations, institutional uses of broadcast media, Mormon audience uses of broadcast media, and broadcast media effects.

There is scant research about Church magazines. The magazines, their readers, their content, their impact, and their contribution to Mormon culture remain a vast potential Weld of inquiry.

The comprehensive history of the Church’s efforts to influence media coverage through its public affairs activities has yet to be written. These efforts have been both centralized and regionalized. Both levels need further study and analysis.

The bibliography focuses heavily on Utah-based media. More studies are needed on all aspects of Mormons and the media nationwide and, especially, worldwide.

The Internet and its relationship to Mormons, the Church, and Mormon/non-Mormon interaction is ripe for study from the perspectives of institutional uses, member uses, nonmember uses of official Mormon sites, anti-Mormon sites, content studies, impact/effect studies, and historical studies.

Arguably, the preponderance of rhetoric in the Church about media revolves around its use by youth and the potential negative effects and dangers of that use. It is surprising, therefore, that there are so few studies that specifically explore Mormon youth media use, the role of media in the lives of contemporary Mormon youths, meaning-making of media content, effects of media use, and the impact of media on Mormon youth culture.

Finally, the works represented in this bibliography largely are atheoretical. The literature has not begun to address questions that relate to theory, such as the ways in which the study of Mormons and the media is informed by theory and the ways in which theory might be informed by scholarship in this Weld.


The relationship between media and Mormon culture has not been fully studied. The reasons are unclear. What is quite certain, however, is that this type of research will be in high demand in the future. We are hopeful that this bibliography, which organizes relevant literature into a foundation for future study, will facilitate and accelerate such research efforts.

Bibliography by Decade


Berrian, William. 1898. A Catalogue of Books, Early Newspapers, and Pamphlets on Mormonism. New York: V. H. Everson Printing. Lists early publications from books, newspapers, and pamphlets concerning The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and Latter-day Saint people.


“Pamphlets on Mormonism.” 1906. The Missionary Review of the World 29:960. Lists, in bibliographic format, eleven anti-Mormon tracts and leaflets. Printed and sent out at cost for churches and missionary societies by the Gentile Bureau of Information, Salt Lake City, Utah.

“List of Works in the Library Relating to Mormons.” 1909. Bulletin of the New York Public Library: Astor Lenox and Tilden Foundations 13, no. 3:183–239. New York: New York Public Library. Catalogues early publications concerning the Church. A collection in the New York Public Library includes newspaper and periodical accounts.


Clawson, Rudger. 1911. “The Anti-Mormon Moving Picture and Play.” Millennial Star 73:808–11. Addresses attacks against the Church in the moving picture A Victim of the Mormons and in the play Through Death Valley, or Mormon Peril.

Penrose, C. W. 1912. “The Deseret News: The Pioneer Newspaper of the West.” Utah Geneological and Historical Magazine (July): 140–44. From an address delivered before the Daughters of Utah Pioneers on June 15, 1912. Describes the beginnings of the Deseret News.

Young, Levi E. 1913. “Mormonism in Picture.” Young Woman’s Journal 24, no. 2:74–81. Discusses the power of film as a medium for spreading the story of the Church, as well as the creation of a historical movie detailing the early days of the Church. Begun in 1912, the movie was filmed by the Utah Moving Picture Company (in Los Angeles) and sanctioned by the First Presidency.


Smith, W. W. 1921. “The Periodical Literature of the Latter-day Saints.” Journal of History 14:257–99. Reviews all periodicals published by the Church.

Lund, A. William. 1930. “Church Publications.” Millennial Star 92:255–59. The president of the British Mission writes a short history of Church publications.

Merrill, Harrison R. 1930. “The Latter-day Saint Press, 1830–1930.” Master’s thesis, Columbia University. Explores why so many Church publications were discontinued, and why—after being forced to move so many times—the Church felt it was important to have a free press with which to express their views.


McMurtrie, Douglas C. 1931. The Beginnings of Printing in Utah: With a Bibliography of the Issues of the Utah Press, 1849–1860. Chicago: John Calhoun Club. Discusses early printing in Utah, from the first printed piece (a one-dollar bill signed by Brigham Young) to the first years of the Deseret News.

———. 1932. “Early Printing in Utah Outside of Salt Lake City.” Utah Historical Quarterly 5:83–86. Attempts to set forth the scant knowledge of pioneer printing in Utah outside of Salt Lake City in hopes of receiving new information from authorities on local history.

———. 1933. “Pioneer Printing in Utah.” Reprint from the June issue of National Printer Journalist. L. Tom Perry Special Collections, Harold B. Lee Library, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah. Covers the history of printing in Utah from the first use (printing money) through several of the early newspapers, both pro- and anti-Mormon.

Snider, Cecil A. 1933a. “Development of Attitudes in Sectarian Conflict: A Study of Mormonism in Illinois in Contemporary Newspaper Sources.” Master’s thesis, University of Iowa. Gives a history of the Church in Illinois. This history is interpreted to be a cycle of sectarian development.

———. 1933b. A Syllabus on Mormonism in Illinois from the Angle of the Press: Newspaper Source Materials, 1838–1848. Iowa City, Iowa: n.p. Organizes and analyzes press materials from Illinois newspapers between 1838 and 1848, when the Church was in Illinois.

Snider, Helen F. 1933. “Mormonism in Illinois: An Analysis of the Non-Mormon Press Materials, 1838–1848.” Master’s thesis, University of Iowa. Studies non–Latter-day Saint newspaper content concerning Church members from 1838 through 1848. Asserts that the influence of the press in securing the expulsion of the Church from Illinois cannot be overemphasized.

Alter, J. Cecil. 1938. Early Utah Journalism: A Half-Century of Forensic Warfare, Waged by the West’s Most Militant Press. Salt Lake City: Utah State Historical Society. Details the history of several Utah newspapers, looking at the editors and articles as clues to the society of that time.


Clark, James R. 1944. “A Study of the Significance of the Newspaper in Mental Contacts between Mormons and Non-Mormons, 1824–1850.” Master’s thesis, Brigham Young University. Examines relationships between size and location of the Church membership in the United States and Great Britain during the period 1824–1850 and the “mental contacts” made between Church members and others as expressed in newspapers of the period.

“Journalism in Pioneer Days.” 1944. In Heart Throbs of the West. Comp. Kate B. Carter. 5:129–68. Salt Lake City: Daughters of Utah Pioneers. Includes several short pieces concerning journalism in Utah. Topics range from the Women’s Press Club to Mormon printing in California to Utah’s “First Newsboy.”

Mulder, William. 1947. “Utah’s Nordic-Language Press: Aspect and Instrument of Immigrant Culture.” Master’s thesis, University of Utah. Explores immigrants’ use of newspapers. The immigrant press is discussed as both an aspect and an instrument of culture that encouraged assimilation into both Church membership and Americanism.

Banks, Loy O. 1948. “The Evening and Morning Star.” Missouri Historical Review 43:319–33. Details the history of the Church’s first news publication, The Evening and Morning Star.

Esplin, Ross S. 1949. “A Survey of Fiction Written by Mormon Authors and Appearing in Mormon Periodicals between 1900 and 1945.” Master’s thesis, Brigham Young University. A critical study of Latter-day Saint periodical fiction. Argues that such fiction does not make a significant contribution to the literature of the world due to its restrictiveness in purpose, theme, and appeal and its “superficiality.”

Mortensen, A. Russell. 1949. “The Deseret News and Utah, 1850–1867.” Ph.D. diss., University of California at Los Angeles. A history of the birth and early years of the Deseret News. Examines the significant events and conditions in pioneer Utah as reflected in the newspaper’s pages.

Olson, Ernest L. 1949. “Otto Rydman, Satirist: An Immigrant Editor’s Views of the Scandinavian Scene in Utah.” Master’s thesis, University of Utah. Studies Otto Rydman’s contribution to the culture and life of the Scandinavian community in Utah from 1890 to 1915.

Peterson, Virgil V. 1949. “Early Mormon Journalism.” Mississippi Valley Historical Review 35:627–38. Identifies three phases in early Latter-day Saint journalism: migration, missionary activities, and colonization.

Wolsey, Heber G. 1949. “Religious Broadcasting by the LDS Church.” Master’s thesis, Northwestern University. Examines growth of the Church from six members in 1830 to more than one million members by the 1940s and relates this growth (in part) to the Church’s use of radio broadcasting.

Ashton, Wendell J. 1950. A Voice in the West: Biography of a Pioneer Newspaper. New York: Duell, Sloan and Pearce. Gives a history of Utah’s oldest newspaper, the Deseret News.

Banks, Loy O. 1950. “The Role of Mormon Journalism in the Death of Joseph Smith.” Journalism Quarterly 27, no. 3:268–81. Discusses the relationship between the suppression of a newspaper by Joseph Smith and his subsequent murder by an armed mob in Carthage, Illinois.


Cracroft, Richard P. 1951. “Susan Young Gates: Her Life and Literary Work.” Master’s thesis, University of Utah. Analyzes Gates’s writing in the context of her time and religious beliefs.

Robertson, A. Richard. 1951. “A Comparative History of Periodicals of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.” Master’s thesis, University of Utah. Chronicles the many and varied periodicals published by the Church.

Mortensen, A. R. 1952. “A Pioneer Paper Mirrors the Break-Up of Isolation in the Great Basin.” Utah Historical Quarterly 20:77–92. Discusses the Deseret News as a mirror of the settlers’ desire for the development of more rapid communications in the isolated Great Basin.

Smart, Max Neff. 1952. “A Study of the Readability of Editorials in Weekly Newspapers of Utah.” Master’s thesis, Brigham Young University. Studies how frequently small-town citizens in Utah read the editorials in local newspapers and with how much ease they could read those editorials.

Brewer, Courtney H. 1953. “The Drama of Mormon Colonization: A Series of Five Half-Hour Plays for Radio.” Master’s thesis, University of Utah. Author scripts “true and original” tales of Latter-day Saint colonization for original radio dramatizations.

Mortensen, A. Russell., ed. 1953. Journal of a Pioneer Editor, March 6, 1859–September 23, 1863. Salt Lake City: Utah State Historical Society. Outlines the experiences of Latter-day Saint journal editor Elias Smith during his years as publisher of the Deseret News.

Jack, Ralph L. 1954. “Woman Suffrage in Utah as an Issue in the Mormon and Non-Mormon Press of the Territory, 1870–1887.” Master’s thesis, Brigham Young University. Studies woman suffrage as an issue during the 1870s and 1880s, when women in Utah were authorized to vote. Pays particular interest to the Deseret News and Salt Lake Tribune.

Jeppson, Lawrence S. 1955. “Information and Misinformation: An Analysis of the Press Relations of the French Mission of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.” Master’s thesis, Boston University. Tells how the French Mission tried to improve its complex relationship with the French press.

Sudweeks, Joseph. 1955. Discontinued L.D.S. Periodicals. Provo, Utah: Brigham Young University. Lists, in annotated bibliography format, the discontinued periodicals once published by and for the Church.

Mullen, Robert R. 1957. An Information Survey of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Washington, D.C.: n.p. Provides recommendations for information service (public relations) improvements and additions for the Church.

Morris, Herbert Newel. 1958. “An Analysis of References to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in General Magazines of the United States during Selected Periods between 1847 and 1953.” Master’s thesis, Brigham Young University. Analyzes references to the Church in magazine articles, such as Harper’s Monthly, National Geographic, Saturday Evening Post, Ladies’ Home Journal, Life, Time, and Newsweek.

Mulder, William, and A. Russell Mortensen, eds. 1958. Among the Mormons: Historic Accounts by Contemporary Observers. New York: Knopf. Chronicles the history of the Church and the settlement of Utah. Includes pieces written by Church leaders (Joseph Smith, Brigham Young, and Sidney Rigdon) and observers—both unknown and well-recognized (Samuel Clemens, Charles Dickens, Ralph Waldo Emerson, and Wallace Stegner).

Ward, Gordon A. 1959. “The Treatment of Mormonism in Contemporary Texts.” Master’s thesis, University of Wyoming. Studies perceptions of the Church as presented in high school and college textbooks and impressions left by textbook authors.

Sostrum, John P. 1960. “Gentile Attitudes toward Mormonism, 1890–1947.” Master’s thesis, University of Wyoming. Reviews attitudes toward and images of Church members that appeared in periodicals from 1890 to 1947. Discusses reasons for the shift in attitudes from a strong anti-Mormon sentiment to a passive acceptance.


Cowan, Richard O. 1961. “Mormonism in National Periodicals.” Ph.D. diss., Stanford University. Reveals a shift from a primarily negative image of the Church in the press during the nineteenth century to a more positive view during later years.

Macaré, Helen H. 1961. The Singing Saints: A Study of the Mormon Hymnal, 1835–1950. Los Angeles: University of California. Studies hymns written from 1835 to 1950 within the context of the composers’ lives.

Munn, Martin B. 1961. “A Survey and Analysis of Utah’s Weekly Newspapers and Their Publications.” Master’s thesis, Brigham Young University. Studies similarities and dissimilarities of Utah’s weekly newspaper publishers who belonged to the Utah State Press Association; analyzes their weekly publications.

Björk, Kenneth O. 1962. “A Covenant Folk, with Scandinavian Colorings.” Norwegian-American Studies 21:212–51. Discusses Scandinavian language newspapers in Utah, notably the Posten and Bikuben, covering news and Church events from 1873 through the 1890s.

Sorenson, Parry D. 1962. “Nauvoo Times and Seasons.” Journal of Illinois State Historical Society 55:117–35. Shows that despite the turbulence between 1839 and 1845, the Church published a sixteen-page paper continuously—the Times and Seasons.

Allred, Edith May A. 1963. “A History of the (Price, Utah) Sun-Advocate, 1891–1962.” Master’s thesis, Brigham Young University. Explores the history of Price, Utah’s Sun-Advocate.

Donigan, Robert W. 1963. An Outline History of Broadcasting in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1922–1963. Provo, Utah: n.p. Gives a chronological outline of developments in broadcasting implemented by the Church.

Greenwell, James R. 1963. “The Mormon–Anti-Mormon Conflict in Early Utah as Reflected in the Local Newspapers, 1850–1869.” Master’s thesis, University of Utah. Reports that anti-Mormon attacks on the Church were originally ignored by the Deseret News until 1869, when it began an active response to opposition newspapers.

Donigan, Robert W. 1964. “A Descriptive Analysis of the EVectiveness of Broadcasting by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in the Northern States Mission Area.” Master’s thesis, Brigham Young University. Discusses the use of Church broadcasts as a missionary tool.

Fairbanks, Merwin G. 1964. “A History of The Wasatch Wave, a Weekly Newspaper in Heber, Utah.” Master’s thesis, Brigham Young University. Tells of ten publishers and editors who managed to keep Wasatch County’s weekly newspaper circulating more than seventy-five years without missing an issue.

Jacobson, Pearl F. 1964. “Utah’s First Radio Station.” Utah Historical Quarterly 32, no. 2:130–44. Reviews the birth of KZN, the first radio station in Utah.

Limburg, Val E. 1964. “An Analysis of Relationships between Religious Broadcast Programming Objectives and Methods of Presentation Used by Selected Major Religious Program Producers, as Compared with The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.” Master’s thesis, Brigham Young University. Compares the relationship of trends (in 1964) among religious broadcasters with special attention given to the Church.

Wright, David G. 1964. “A Content Analysis of References to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in General Magazines in the United States between 1953 and 1964.” Master’s thesis, Brigham Young University. Determines the nature and extent of what was published about the Church in consumer magazines of the United States from 1953 to 1964.

Oaks, Dallin H. 1965. “The Suppression of the Nauvoo Expositor.Utah Law Review 9:862–903. Reviews the facts and legal implications of the suppression of the Nauvoo Expositor, an anti-Mormon newspaper.

Olsen, Bruce L. 1965. “A History of the Emery County Progress-Leader and Its Predecessors.” Master’s thesis, Brigham Young University. Describes the sixty-seven-year history of journalistic endeavors in Emery County, Utah, with an emphasis on characteristics of publications.

Arrington, Leonard J. 1966. “Scholarly Studies of Mormonism in the Twentieth Century.” Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought 1, no. 1:15–32. Lists doctoral dissertations related to Mormonism by topic. Not specifically media related, but a good background of Latter-day Saint scholarship.

Bray, Lawrence Hall. 1966. “A History of the Student Newspaper and Its Early Predecessors at Brigham Young University from 1878 to 1965.” Master’s thesis, Brigham Young University. Analyzes physical changes, finances, editorial policies, and content of student newspapers at Brigham Young University.

Heller, Luther L. 1966. “A Study of the Utah Newspaper War, 1870–1900.” Master’s thesis, Brigham Young University. Describes and analyzes the editorial conflict between the Deseret News and the Salt Lake Tribune. The News wanted the Church to be a dominating factor in daily community life while the Tribune wanted to reform the state.

Alstyne, Arvo Van. 1967. “Obscenity and the Inspired Constitution: A Dilemma for Mormons.” Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought 2, no. 2:75–89. Considers the problem of increasing obscenity in literature, movies, and other art forms.

Ashliman, D. L. 1967. “The Image of Utah and the Mormons in Nineteenth-Century Germany.” Utah Historical Quarterly 35, no. 3:209–27. Refers to the image of Utah, both before and after the settlement of Mormon pioneers, in writings of German immigrants.

Jacobs, David Kent. 1967. “The History of Motion Pictures Produced by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.” Master’s thesis, Brigham Young University. Discusses the use of motion pictures as sponsored by the Church.

Jennings, Warren A. 1967. “Factors in the Destruction of the Mormon Press in Missouri, 1833.” Utah Historical Quarterly 35, no. 1:56–76. Analyzes how the Evening and Morning Star, introduced into Jackson County as an instrument for the propagation of the Church, became a focal point of gentile opposition to Latter-day Saint settlement in the area.

Wolsey, Heber G. 1967. “The History of Radio Station KSL from 1922 to Television.” Ph.D. diss., Michigan State University. Chronicles the history of KSL—its policies, programs, and personnel—as it sought to become a community voice.

Carpenter, Don A. 1968. “A Century of Journalism in Manti, Utah, 1867–1967.” Master’s thesis, Brigham Young University. Gives a descriptive, chronological, and content history of Manti journalists and their newspapers.

Lattimore, R. B. 1968. “A Survey of William Brownlow’s Criticisms of the Mormons, 1841–1857.” Tennessee Historical Quarterly 27:248–56. Gives a historical account of the verbal and written criticisms of the Church by Methodist circuit rider and Whig editor William G. Brownlow.

Lythgoe, Dennis L. 1968. “The Changing Image of Mormonism.” Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought 3, no. 4:45–58. Assesses the drastic changes in the image of Mormonism as seen through popular periodicals from 1950 through 1968.

Mc Cardell, Wallin S. 1968. “A History of the Predecessors of the Provo Daily Herald in Provo, Utah, from 1906 to 1926.” Master’s thesis, Brigham Young University. Gives a sociological approach to understanding the history of the Daily Herald’s early predecessors.

Stewart, Douglas C. 1968. “A Comparative Analysis of Three Television Programs to Determine Their Effectiveness as Means for Promulgating Mormonism.” Master’s thesis, Brigham Young University. Studies the effectiveness of Latter-day Saint television programming and what innovations could be used to improve the missionary effort.

Arrington, Leonard J. 1969. “The Intellectual Tradition of the Latter-day Saints.” Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought 4, no. 1:13–26. Identifies and studies four stages of Latter-day Saint intellectualism. Analysis relies, in part, on Latter-day Saint mass media.

Beckham, Raymond E. 1969. “The Utah Newspaper War of 1968: Liquor-by-the-Drink.” Master’s thesis, Brigham Young University. Explores the opposing perspectives taken by the Salt Lake Tribune and the Deseret News with regard to Utah liquor distribution laws.

Lythgoe, Dennis L. 1969. “The Changing Image of Mormonism in Periodical Literature.” Ph.D. diss., University of Utah. Analyzes the American change of attitude toward Mormonism as evidenced in popular magazines.


Malmquist, Orvin N. 1971. The First One Hundred Years: A History of the Salt Lake Tribune, 1871–1971. Salt Lake City: Utah State Historical Society. Gives a hundred-year history of the Salt Lake Tribune. Included in this bibliography because of the Tribune’s relationship with the Deseret News and other Church issues.

McLaws, Monte B. 1971. “Early Mormon Journalism and the Deseret News, 1830–1898.” Ph.D. diss., University of Missouri. Discusses Deseret News as a mouthpiece for Mormonism that was both supported and censored by the Church.

Sellars, Marie L., H. Reed Geertsen, and Robert M. Gray. 1971. “Religion, Alienation and Immunization Participation.” Rocky Mountain Social Science Journal 8, no. 1:19–26. Reports that during the national polio immunization drive in 1963, Utah had among the highest participation rates for preschoolers in the country, with Church members higher than others. Most of this success was attributed to the news media.

Arrington, Leonard J. 1972. “Crisis in Identity: Mormon Responses in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries.” In Mormonism and American Culture. Edited by Marvin S. Hill and James B. Allen. New York: Harper and Row Publishers. Details how the Church has adjusted to a “contemporary world” through the development of programs within the Church, including media use.

Beckham, Raymond E. 1972. “One Hundred Years of Journalism in Provo, Utah: A History of the Daily Herald and Its Predecessors from 1872 to 1972.” Ph.D. diss., Southern Illinois University. Traces the history of the Provo Daily Herald and its predecessors.

Irving, Gordon. 1972. “Content Analysis of the Evening and Morning Star, 1832–1834.” Typescript in volume with binder’s title Mormons and the Bible in the 1830s. Americana Collection, L. Tom Perry Special Collections, Harold B. Lee Library, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah. Studies the content of the Evening and Morning Star, the first of many official periodicals sponsored by the Church.

Leonard, Glen M. 1972. “R. W. Sloan’s 1884 Gazetteer: Boosting Utah’s ‘Glorious and Imperishable Future.’” Utah Historical Quarterly 40, no. 2:163–77. Outlines Gazetteer editor R. W. Sloan’s use of advertisements to advance the territory’s business community.

Snow, Edwina Jo. 1972. “Singular Saints: The Image of the Mormons in Book-Length Travel Accounts, 1847–1857.” Master’s thesis, George Washington University. Studies the image of Church members in book-length travel literature of the 1850s, showing that the Latter-day Saint image in travel accounts reflects both negative stereotypes found in other publications of the time and also unique dimensions that occasionally are positive.

Bussel, Alan. 1973. “The Sunny South: A Gilded Age Publishing Phenomenon.” Paper presented at the History Division of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communications. Fort Collins, Colorado, August 21. Analyzes The Sunny South’s conservative editorial remarks about Mormonism in contrast to a progressive approach toward women’s rights and liberties.

Nelson, Richard A. 1973. “The History of Utah Film: An Introductory Essay.” Paper prepared for Communications 691R, Brigham Young University Department of Communications. Provo, Utah. Lists films that feature Utah, films with Latter-day Saint portrayals, and television films with Latter-day Saint portrayals. Includes influence of Church members on the early film industry.

Pelo, Dale P. 1973. “Mormonism in National Periodicals, 1961–1970.” Master’s thesis, Brigham Young University. Studies the image of the Church as reflected in articles appearing in general national periodicals in the United States.

Shipps, Jan. 1973. “From Satyr to Saint: American Attitudes toward the Mormons, 1860–1960.” Presented at the annual meeting of the Organization of American Historians. N.p. Studies periodical articles about Church members from 1860 through 1960. Documents the intensity and persistence of negative attitudes toward the Church, as well as specific problems Americans identified as negative within Mormonism.

Arrington, Leonard J. 1974. “Mormonism: Views from Without and Within.” BYU Studies 14, no. 2:140–53. Discusses how the Church hoped to establish a favorable image through missionary work, tracts, and other literature and how anti-Mormons worked to present an unfavorable one through their own publications.

Casterline, Gail F. 1974. “In the Toils or Onward for Zion: Images of the Mormon Woman, 1852–1890.” Master’s thesis, Utah State University. Compares the media portrayal of plural wives with the way those women described themselves. Uses sources available between 1852 and 1890 to support conclusions.

Cracroft, Richard H. 1974. “Distorting Polygamy for Fun and Profit: Artemus Ward and Mark Twain among the Mormons.” BYU Studies 14, no. 2:272–88. Discusses the use of Mormon oddities, such as polygamy, by humorists of the time, as well as Twain’s use of Ward’s material and approach to mocking the Church.

Foster, Lawrence. 1974. “A Little-Known Defense of Polygamy from the Mormon Press in 1842.” Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought 9, no. 4:21–35. Details the history of a thirty-seven-page pamphlet defending polygamy printed in autumn 1842 by the Latter-day Saint press in Nauvoo. The author believes that the pamphlet constitutes the only explicit defense of polygamy published under the auspices of the main body of the Church before 1852.

Nelson, Richard. 1974. “Utah Filmmakers of the Silent Screen Era.” Unpublished paper. Americana Collection, L. Tom Perry Special Collections, Harold B. Lee Library, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah. Gives a history of Utah filmmaking, with special emphasis on the influence of Mormonism on such films. Includes a brief history of the Church’s film studio.

Pedersen, Lyman C., Jr. 1974. “The Daily Union Vedette: A Military Voice on the Mormon Frontier.” Utah Historical Quarterly 42:39–48. Tells how the Daily Union Vedette, published from 1863 to 1867 at Fort Douglas, Utah, provided an alternative newspaper for non-Mormons.

Nelson, Richard A. 1975. “A History of Latter-day Saint Screen Portrayals in the Anti-Mormon Film Era, 1905–1936.” Master’s thesis, Brigham Young University. Reports that between 1905 to 1936 secular movie-makers produced nearly forty motion pictures containing Latter-day Saint characterizations. Once anti-polygamy movements died out, the Saints gradually took on a more favorable screen image.

Sperry, Kip. 1975. “Mormons and Mormonism in the Contemporary Press: The Snider Collection.” Genealogical Journal 4, no. 3:110–17. Discusses the Snider Collection, which chronicles papers in Illinois, Iowa, and Missouri referencing Mormons between 1831 and 1849.

Ashton, Wendell J. 1976. “The Image-Building Program of the Church.” AMCAP Journal 2 (fall): 12–14. Summarizes a speech about the image-building tactics used by the Church to bring it out of obscurity and deal with potentially negative media representations.

Baker, John D. 1976. “The West in 1876: The Frontier as Viewed by the Eastern Press.” American West 13, no. 4:35–38. Surveys the coverage given by Eastern presses in 1876 to Western topics, including polygamy.

Bennion, Sherilyn C. 1976. “The Woman’s Exponent: Forty-Two Years of Speaking for Women.” Utah Historical Quarterly 44, no. 3:222–39. Chronicles Utah’s Woman’s Exponent (1872 through 1914), one of the earliest periodicals for women in the United States.

Bush, Lester E., Jr. 1976. “Mormon Elders’ Wafers: Images of Mormon Virility in Patent Medicine Ads.” Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought 10, no. 2:89–93. Reports that the stereotypical image of the nineteenth-century Mormon male had special appeal to the American patent medicine industry, which used the images to sell their products from 1884 until 1931.

D’Arc, James V. 1976. “The Saints on Celluloid: The Making of the Movie Brigham Young.Sunstone 1, no. 4:10–28. Chronicles the history of the movie Brigham Young from the selection of the storyline through production.

Heyer, Terry L. 1976. “Mormon Literature and Its Reviewers, 1899–1975.” Paper written for the School of Library and Information Sciences, Brigham Young University. Measures the quality of book reviewing in specialized subject area “Mormon” and “Mormonism” and traces a popular image of this topic through book review columns of popular magazines and scholarly journals.

Louw, Ronald C. 1976. “The Public Relations Practices of Directors of Institutes of Religion of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in California, 1974–75.” Ph.D. diss., Brigham Young University. Reports how seventy-five directors of the Church’s Institutes of Religion in California responded to a questionnaire regarding their public relations practices.

Norton, Walter A. 1976. “Joseph Smith as a Jacksonian Man of Letters: His Literary Development as Evidenced in His Newspaper Writings.” Master’s thesis, Brigham Young University. Studies the development of Joseph Smith’s writing as shown through numerous newspaper articles. The author refers to this development in terms of the Jacksonian era, which symbolized the rise of the common man and the triumph of democracy.

Ashton, Wendell J. 1977. “Marketing the Mormon Image: An Interview with Wendell J. Ashton.” Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought 10, no. 3:15–20. Discusses the Church’s Public Communication Department (organized in 1972). Explores development of radio and television spots and public relation campaigns that acted to project a favorable image of the Church.

Bennett, Robert F. 1977. “Some Thoughts on Public Relations.” Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought 10, no. 3:120–22. Gives thoughts on the effectiveness of Church public relations efforts.

Bennion, Sherilyn C. 1977. “The New Northwest and Woman’s Exponent: Early Voices for Suffrage.” Journalism Quarterly 54 (summer): 286–92. Reviews the history and editors of both the New Northwest, a weekly founded in 1871, and the Woman’s Exponent, founded by and for Latter-day Saint women.

Bunker, Gary L., and Davis Bitton. 1977. “Illustrated Periodical Images of Mormons, 1850–1860.” Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought 10, no. 3:82–94. Examines visual images of the Church that appeared in periodicals from 1850 to 1860 in an effort to understand the emotional overtones of the nineteenth-century anti-Mormon crusade.

Eid, Leroy V. 1977. “Puck Depicts the American West.” Arizona and the West 19, no. 4:347–62. Describes how Puck, the leading humor magazine in Gilded Age America, embedded western stereotype images of such subjects as the Mormons.

Esplin, Fred C. 1977. “The Church as Broadcaster.” Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought 10, no. 3:25–45. Describes the broadcasting enterprises of the Church, which include ownership of sixteen radio and television stations and a cable TV system.

Hollstein, Milton. 1977. “The Church as Media Proprietor.” Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought 10, no. 3:21–24. Discusses the ability of the Church, in the 1970s, to give huge audiences information through the mass media.

Madsen, Carol C. 1977. “Remember the Women of Zion: A Study of the Editorial Content of the Woman’s Exponent, a Mormon Women’s Journal.” Master’s thesis, University of Utah. Shows how the Woman’s Exponent, in taking a liberal stance towards women’s status in society, reached beyond the scope of traditional women’s magazines of the day.

McLaws, Monte B. 1977. Spokesman for the Kingdom: Early Mormon Journalism and the Deseret News, 1830–1898. Provo, Utah: Brigham Young University Press. Describes early Latter-day Saint journalism, including a critical biography of the Deseret News.

Nelson, Richard Alan. 1977. “From Antagonism to Acceptance: Mormons and the Silver Screen.” Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought 10, no. 3:59–69. Discusses the involvement and portrayal of Church members in films since 1911.

Pusey, Merlo J. 1977. “My Fifty Years in Journalism.” Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought 10, no. 3:70–81. Relates Pusey’s experiences as a Latter-day Saint journalist, editor of the Washington Post, and recipient of the Pulitzer Prize in 1952.

Shipps, Jan. 1977. “The Public Image of Senator Reed Smoot, 1902–32.” Utah Historical Quarterly 45, no. 4:380–400. Uses the contemporary periodical press as a reasonably accurate picture of the public image of Latter-day Saint U.S. Senator Reed Smoot.

Stathis, W. Stephen, and Dennis L. Lythgoe. 1977. “Mormonism in the Nineteen-Seventies: The Popular Perception.” Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought 10, no. 3:95–113. Investigates the sophisticated and often complimentary perception of the Church found in newspaper and periodical coverage during the 1970s.

Swenson, Paul. 1977. “Nostrums in the Newsroom: Raised Sights and Raised Expectations at the Deseret News.Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought 10, no. 3:46–57. Discusses how significant changes at the Deseret News in the 1970s helped to identify the paper’s weaknesses and set higher standards and expectations for the future.

Bitton, Davis, and Gary L. Bunker. 1978a. “Double Jeopardy: Visual Images of Mormon Women to 1914.” Utah Historical Quarterly 46:184–202. Shows how the visual images of Latter-day Saint women consisted of mental, moral, social, emotional, and physical elements. During the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, Latter-day Saint women were vulnerable to negative stereotypes.

———. 1978b. “Mischievous Puck and the Mormons, 1904–1907.” BYU Studies 18, no. 4:504–19. Analyzes cartoons about the Church that appeared in Puck, an illustrated weekly humor magazine, between 1904 and 1907.

Eccles, Stephen L. 1978. “Bibliography of Magazine Articles about the Mormons.” Americana Collection, L. Tom Perry Special Collections, Harold B. Lee Library, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah. Covers the time period 1929 through 1977.

Flake, Chad J., and Dale L. Morgan. 1978. A Mormon Bibliography, 1830–1930: Books, Pamphlets, Periodicals, and Broadsides Relating to the First Century of Mormonism. Salt Lake City: University of Utah. Includes publications relating to Mormonism. Supplemental volumes are published as new material is located.

Francis, Rell G. 1978. “Views of Mormon Country: The Life and Photographs of George Edward Anderson.” American West 15, no. 6:14–29. Reports on Anderson’s work, which has been featured in several publications and exhibits.

Parkin, Max H. 1978. Contemporary Accounts of the Latter-day Saints and Their Leaders Appearing in Early Missouri Newspapers, 1831–1839 (Including Select Non-Missouri Newspaper Articles by Missourians and Articles in Missouri Newspapers after 1839 about the Mormon Experience in Missiouri). L. Tom Perry Special Collections, Harold B. Lee Library, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah. Collects accounts of Latter-day Saints and their leaders. Includes a bibliography of the contents of the collection and reproductions of the actual news stories.

Showalter, Betty S. 1978. “Ladies of the Press.” Exponent II 5, no. 1:4. Briefly describes Winnie and Gladys DeLong, sisters who wrote, edited, printed, and published the Panguitch Progress.

Thatcher, Linda. 1978. “Selected Newspaper Articles on Mormons and Mormonism Published during 1977.” Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought 11, no. 4:105–11. Lists numerous articles from a broad range of national newspapers.

Barnett, Steven G. 1979. “Wilson Law: A Sidelight on the Expositor Incident.” BYU Studies 19, no. 2:244–46. Details the destruction of Wilson Law’s press by the Mormons at Nauvoo in 1844.

Bray, Robert T. 1979. “Times and Seasons: An Archaeological Perspective on Early Latter-day Saints’ Printing.” Historical Archaeology 13:53–122. Reviews early printing in the Church and an archaeological investigation into the location of the Times and Seasons in Nauvoo (1839–46).

Ellsworth, Paul D. 1979. “Mobocracy and the Rule of Law: American Press Reaction to the Murder of Joseph Smith.” BYU Studies 20, no. 1:71–82. Analyzes the attitude adopted by the American press toward Joseph Smith’s murder.

Gottlieb, Robert, and Peter Wiley. 1979. “Static in Zion: Long Stuck with a Churchly Image, the Mormon Media Reach Out for the Young—and Are Called Back by the Elders.” Columbia Journalism Review 18, no. 2:59–63. Discusses Bonneville International Corporation, a major media conglomerate, and the tension between the Church’s stress on the moral mission of the media and the equally strong pressure to make its media operations pay off.

Haroldsen, Edwin O., and K. Harvey. 1979. “The Diffusion of ‘Shocking’ Good News.” Journalism Quarterly 56, no. 4:771–75. Studies the diffusion of news about the Church’s announcement concerning the priesthood revealed that “shocking” good news can ignite the interpersonal communications system, that news has more credibility when obtained from the media than when obtained interpersonally, and that people use mass media to verify news obtained interpersonally.

Palmer, Allen W. 1979. “A Multi-valued Attitudinal Study of Obscenity and Freedom of Expression.” Master’s thesis, Brigham Young University. Explores the relationship between religiosity and behavioral intentions concerning obscenity issues and public attitude toward freedom of expression and voluntary limitation of that freedom.

Thorp, Malcolm R. 1979. “Winifred Graham and the Mormon Image in England.” Journal of Mormon History 6:107–21. Discusses the writing career of English novelist and anti-Mormon activist Winifred Graham in the early 1900s.

Flake, Chad J. 1980. “Mormon Bibliography, 1979.” BYU Studies 20, no. 4:417–30. Lists a comprehensive collection of books and articles on Mormons and Mormonism published in 1977 through 1979.

“Going My Way: An Interview with Newsweek’s Kenneth Woodward.” 1980. Sunstone 5, no. 5:32–39. Interviews Kenneth Woodward regarding his September 1, 1980, Newsweek piece in which he attempted to outline Latter-day Saint beliefs to a non–Latter-day Saint and mostly non-religious readership.

Shipps, Jan. 1980. “Sonia Johnson, Mormonism and the Media.” Christian Century 97:5–6. Comments regarding the media coverage of Sonia Johnson’s excommunication from the Church.

Stahle, Larry. 1980. A Lasting Impression—a Press for All the World: A History of Deseret Press, 1850–1980. Salt Lake City: Deseret Press. Combines recorded history with reflections of the past recalled by long-time press associates.

White, O. Kendall, and Daryl C. White. 1980. “Abandoning an Unpopular Policy: An Organizational Analysis of the Decision Granting the Mormon Priesthood to Blacks.” Sociological Analysis 41, no. 3:231–45. Uses an open-systems model of organizational behavior to explain the Church’s decision to open its Priesthood to Blacks. Among the most salient environmental factors is adverse publicity from the media.

Whittaker, David J. 1980. “Early Mormon Imprints in South Africa.” BYU Studies 20, no. 4:404–09. Analyzes the beginnings of the printing of missionary publications for proselytizing in South Africa.


Bennion, Sherilyn Cox. 1981a. “Enterprising Ladies: Utah’s Nineteenth-Century Women Editors.” Utah Historical Quarterly 49, no. 3:291–304. Discusses fourteen Utah female newspaper and magazine editors working between 1872 and 1900.

———. 1981b. “Lula Greene Richards: Utah’s First Woman Editor.” BYU Studies 21, no. 2:155–74. Gives a short biographical sketch of Louisa Lula Greene Richards, American Latter-day Saint journalist and poet.

Cragun, LeAnn. 1981. “Mormons and History: In Control of the Past.” Ph.D. diss., University of Hawaii. Analyzes the Church as a case study of the socio-political phenomenon of groups attempting to control their past and justify their actions in the present. Censorship of publications is discussed.

Lyman, Edward L. 1981. “The Mormon Quest for Utah Statehood.” Ph.D. diss., University of California at Riverside. Addresses the successful effort to alter the Church’s image in the nation’s press as Utah attempted to obtain statehood.

Lynn, Karen. 1981. “Sensational Virtue: Nineteenth-Century Mormon Fiction and American Popular Taste.” Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought 14, no. 3:101–11. Discusses the portrayal of polygamy in nineteenth-century writing.

Miller, Heather R. 1981. “Conversion, the Mass Media, and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.” Ph.D. diss., United States International University. Addresses the importance of mass media on religious conversion. Investigates the use of mass media in the Church and determines its relationship to conversion numbers.

Oman, Susan S. 1981. “Nurturing LDS Primaries: Louise Felt and May Anderson, 1880–1940.” Utah Historical Quarterly 49, no. 3:262–75. Discusses the efforts of Felt and Anderson to begin the magazine Children’s Friend.

Stathis, Stephen W. 1981. “Mormonism and the Periodical Press: A Change Is Underway.” Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought 14, no. 2:48–73. Addresses the changing image of Mormonism among the American public. Surveys press coverage of the Latter-day Saint position on a variety of issues.

Underwood, Grant. 1981. “Seminal versus Sesquicentennial Saints: A Look at Mormon Millennialism.” Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought 14, no. 1:32–44. Compares current Latter-day Saint doctrine concerning the Second Coming with that prevalent during the 1830s, based on Latter-day Saint publications and other primary sources.

Winkler, Lorna M. 1981. “Censorship and the Freedom of Information in Mormon Society: The Research of Juanita Brooks.” Master’s thesis, Brigham Young University. Seeks to understand reasons behind censorship in Mormon society and censorship’s affect on historian-author Brooks (written by her niece).

Bennion, S. C. 1982. “Utah’s Newspapers One Hundred Years Ago.” Beehive History 8:18–21. Briefly describes news printing and newspapers in Utah, including short sections addressing America’s first newspapers, “Boosterism,” fighting words, and advertising.

Christensen, Bruce L. 1982. “A Light unto the World.” Sunstone 7, no. 4:24–26. Discusses the necessity and legitimacy of public relations for the Church.

Duvall, Scott H. 1982. “Mormon Bibliography, 1981.” BYU Studies 22, no. 2:227–49. Gives a comprehensive collection of books and articles on Mormons and Mormonism published in 1980 and 1981.

Fletcher, Peggy. 1982. “A Light unto the World.” Sunstone 7, no. 4:16–23. Discusses image-building techniques used by the Church and its members.

Jolley, Jerry C. 1982. “The Sting of the Wasp: Early Nauvoo Newspaper—April 1842 to April 1843.” BYU Studies 22, no. 4:487–96. Studies content of the Wasp newspaper. Includes anecdotes and context for better understanding of the paper.

Madsen, Carol Cornwall. 1982. “Emmeline B. Wells: ‘Am I Not a Woman and a Sister?’” BYU Studies 22, no. 2:161–78. Discusses Wells’s service, for thirty-seven years, as editor of the Woman’s Exponent.

Shields, Steven L. 1982. “One Hundred-Fifty Years of Latter-day Saint Publishing.” Restoration 1, no. 3:1, 7. Recognizes 150 years of publishing, with a reprint of W. W. Phelps editorial from the first edition of The Evening and Morning Star.

Stathis, Stephen W. 1982. “Among the Mormons: A Survey of Current Literature.” Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought 15, no. 2:118–34. Gives a bibliography of periodical articles published between 1979 and 1981 on various aspects of the Church.

Whittaker, David J. 1982. “Early Mormon Pamphleteering.” Ph.D. diss., Brigham Young University. Reprint, Provo, Utah: Joseph Fielding Smith Institute for Latter-day Saint History and BYU Studies, 2003. Describes that large body of published material emerged supporting the Latter-day Saint movement from 1836 to 1860. Examines the pamphleteering movement that occurred before 1860.

Bunker, Gary L., and Davis Bitton. 1983a. The Mormon Graphic Image, 1834–1914: Cartoons, Caricatures, and Illustrations. Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press. Examines visual representations of the Church from 1834 through 1914.

———. 1983b. “Political Caricature and Mormonism.” In Prints of the American West: Papers Presented at the Ninth Annual North American Print Conference. Edited by Ron Tyler. Fort Worth: Amon Carter Museum. Reviews political cartoons’ use of and barbs at Mormonism.

Enroth, Ronald M., and Neil T. Duddy. 1983. “Legitimation Processes in Some New Religions.” Update 3:42–53. Analyzes Church use and emphasis of public relations to self-consciously seek respectability and acceptance.

Fairbourn, E. LeGrand. 1983. “Validity of Participant Report of Causal Factors in Value Judgments.” Ph.D. diss., Brigham Young University. Reports on value judgments made and accompanying reasons for those judgments made by guests of the Salt Lake City Temple Visitors’ Centers who viewed media presentations.

Ford, James E. 1983. “Battlestar Galactica and Mormon Theology.” Journal of Popular Culture 17, no. 2:83–87. Illustrates that a number of episodes of the television series Battlestar Galactica reveal that storylines are firmly grounded in Latter-day Saint theology.

Moore, Richard G. 1983. “A History of Mormon Periodicals from 1830 to 1838.” Master’s thesis, Brigham Young University. Studies the periodicals published by the Church from 1830 to the exile from Missouri in 1839.

Stathis, Stephen W. 1983a. “Among the Mormons: A Survey of Current Theses and Dissertations.” Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought 16, no. 1:141–44. Lists theses and dissertations dealing with the Church.

———. 1983b. “A Survey of Current Literature.” Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought 16, no. 3:110–26. Gives a bibliography of books published (circa 1983) on Mormons and Mormonism.

Whitaker, Wetzel O. 1983. Pioneering with Film: A History of Church and Brigham Young University Films. Provo, Utah: n.p. Provides a personal history of Latter-day Saint motion pictures as told by Whitaker, head of the Motion Picture Department at BYU for twenty-two years.

Yancey, Philip. 1983. “Who Are Today’s Pharisees? A Recent Encounter Raises This Provocative Question.” Christianity Today 27, no. 15:78. Encounter with self-praising Latter-day Saint Reader’s Digest ads led author to think Christians should talk about grace and repentance and not their own virtues.

Bills, Wayne R. 1984. “A Descriptive Analysis of the Current Status of Paid Religious Broadcasting on National Television.” Master’s thesis, Brigham Young University. Examines the use of paid television by various evangelical organizations as contrasted with its use by the Church. Offers recommendations for the Church in terms of maintaining ongoing, image-enhancing television broadcasting.

Burton, Thomas R. 1984. “Through the Glass Darkly: Early British Perceptions of Mormonism.” Mormon Letters Annual 1984:141–49. Describes early missionary efforts and perceptions of the Church in England.

Cracroft, Richard H. 1984. “‘Ten Wives Is All You Need’: Artemus, Twain and the Mormons—Again.” Western Humanities Review 38, no. 3:197–211. Reprises Cracroft’s first article on the subject and a discussion of similarities between Ward’s and Twain’s approaches to poking fun at the early Church.

Gregory, Fern D. 1984. “J. Spencer Cornwall: The Salt Lake Mormon Tabernacle Choir Years.” Ph.D. diss., University of Missouri, Kansas City. Descriptively surveys ninety-eight choral arrangements by Cornwall. Compares radio broadcast literature for Cornwall and Condie, his successor, for the years 1947–1957 and 1957–1967.

Holley, Robert P., and Yvonne Stroup, eds. 1984. Utah’s Newspapers—Traces of Her Past: Papers Presented at the Utah Newspaper Project Conference, University of Utah, November 18, 1983: With Checklist of Utah Newspapers Compiled by Dennis McCargar. Salt Lake City: University of Utah. Compiles papers presented at the 1983 Utah Newspaper Project Conference. Discusses the past and present of Utah newspaper publishing, the use of newspapers in historical research, past attempts at bibliographic control, and the status of the Utah Newspaper Project.

Iversen, Joan. 1984. “Feminist Implications of Mormon Polygamy.” Feminist Studies 10, no. 3:504–22. Examines the written position of plural wives in Latter-day Saint society as they defended themselves against Victorian feminists in the Woman’s Exponent.

Mauss, Armand L. 1984. “Sociological Perspectives on the Mormon Subculture.” Annual Review of Sociology 10:437–60. Reviews all of the social science literature about Mormons published in the United States during the twentieth century. Not specifically media related.

Mauss, Armand L., and Jeffrey R. Franks. 1984. “Comprehensive Bibliography of Social Science Literature on the Mormons.” Review of Religious Research 26, no. 1:73–115. Lists over five hundred works of social science research literature on the Church. Topics include Mormons and the media, among others.

Nelson, Richard A. 1984. “Mormons as Silent Cinema Villains: Propaganda and Entertainment.” Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television 4, no. 1:3–14. Examines films that stemmed from controversy surrounding the Church.

Roof, Wade C. 1984. “American Religion in Transition: A Review and Interpretation of Recent Trends.” Social Compass 31, no. 2–3:273–89. Examines new and older religious groups, noting the increasing use of radio and television by fundamentalist church groups such as Seventh Day Adventists, Jehovah’s Witnesses, and Mormons.

Underwood, Grant. 1984. “Book of Mormon Usage in Early LDS Theology.” Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought 17, no. 3:35–74. Discusses the sparse use of the Book of Mormon, in comparison with the Bible, in Latter-day Saint periodicals and even in official documents.

Appleton, Marianne, and A. Garr Cranney. 1985. “Reading Habits of Church-Active LDS Women.” BYU Studies 25, no. 3:47–53. Tells of active Latter-day Saint women who follow the encouragement of Church leaders to read the scriptures and Church periodicals.

Beecher, Maureen Ursenbach. 1985. “Poetry and the Private Lives: Newspaper Verse on the Mormon Frontier.” BYU Studies 25, no. 3:55–65. Discusses poetry featured in the Woman’s Exponent, with topics ranging from travelogues to celebrations.

Conder, Marjorie D. 1985. “Constants and Changes: Role Prescriptions for Mormon Women as Seen through Selected Mormon Periodicals, 1883–1984.” Master’s thesis, University of Utah. Analyzes the content of major Latter-day Saint publications aimed at adult females from 1883 through 1984, assessing the changing or unchanging prescribed roles of women over time.

D’Arc, James V. 1985. “The Image of Mormons in the Movies: The Way We Were.” This People 6, no. 5:43–48. Discusses Latter-day Saint image in early movies. (The entire issue is devoted to movies.)

Eagle, Donald Alvin. 1985. “One Community’s Reaction to The Godmakers.Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought 18, no. 2:34–39. Relates the conflict engendered in Mesa, Arizona, by the film The Godmakers.

Evans, Vella N. 1985. “Woman’s Image in Authoritative Mormon Discourse: A Rhetorical Analysis.” Ph.D. diss., University of Utah. Investigates the image of the ideal Latter-day Saint woman. Based on authoritative, published discourses (in papers, magazines, and journals) selected from 1830 through 1984.

Mackey, Randall A. 1985. “The Godmakers Examined.” Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought 18, no. 2:14–16. Introduces the 1983 film The Godmakers and discusses the bitter controversy it engendered.

Madsen, Carol C. 1985. “A Mormon Woman in Victorian America.” Ph.D. diss., University of Utah. Provides a life history of Emmeline B. Wells. Her life provides insight into the nineteenth century as she took part as an activist in the new feminist ideology that transcended religion, region, and politics.

Mormons: A Dissertation Collection, 1943–1985. 1985. Ann Arbor, Mich.: Published on demand by University Microfilms International. A comprehensive computer printout of dissertations from 1943 through 1985, searching on keywords: Brigham Young, Doctrine and Covenants, Oliver Cowdery, Kimball, Latter-day Saints, Mormon, Mormonism, Mormons, Nauvoo, Polygamy, Hyrum Smith, Joseph Smith, Peter Whitmer, Wilford Woodruff.

Roberts, Allen D. 1985. “The Godmakers: Shadow or Reality? A Content Analysis.” Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought 18, no. 2:24–33. Discusses how anti-Mormon bias suffuses The Godmakers and vitiates its claims that Mormonism is deceptive and destructive.

Swenson, Sharon Lee. 1985. “Does the Camera Lie?: A Structural Analysis of The Godmakers.Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought 18, no. 2:16–23. Criticizes the distortion of the Latter-day Saint faith and religion in The Godmakers via film organization and cinematic document edits.

Thatcher, Linda, and John R. Sillito. 1985. “Sisterhood and Sociability: The Utah Women’s Press Club, 1891–1928.” Utah History Quarterly 53, no. 2:144–56. Relates the history of the Utah Women’s Press Club over its thirty-year existence.

Anderson, John R. 1986. “American Women and Conservative Religion in the Post-War Decades: Southern Baptist and Mormon Women’s Magazines, 1945–1975.” Ph.D. diss., Washington State University. Discusses how the magazines for women of the Southern Baptist Convention and the Church during the three decades after World War II reflected both the theologies of the two denominations and the time period in which they were written.

Bunker, Gary L., and Davis Bitton. 1986. “The Death of Brigham Young: Occasion for Satire.” Utah Historical Quarterly 54, no. 4:358–70. Discusses the unwillingness of the press to deal compassionately with Brigham Young’s memory after his death. Upon his demise, newspapers and illustrated weeklies wrote from a satirical point of view.

D’Arc, James V. 1986. “Two Articles: Darryl F. Zanuck’s Brigham Young: A Film in Context, and, ‘So Let It Be Written . . .’: The Creation of Cecil B. DeMille’s Autobiography.” Ph.D. diss., Brigham Young University. Deals with the social context of the late 1930s and what the motion picture Brigham Young meant not only to the leadership of the Church at the time, but also to those in the motion picture business.

Garr, Arnold K. 1986. “A History of Liahona: The Elder’s Journal: A Magazine Published for the Mormon Missions of America, 1903–1945.” Ph.D. diss., Brigham Young University. Discusses how the Liahona: The Elder’s Journal, the official publication for all the Latter-day Saint missions of North America for nearly four decades, was an effective aid to missionary work and a source of edification and comfort to missionaries and members.

Gottlieb, Robert, and Peter Wiley. 1986. America’s Saints: The Rise of Mormon Power. San Diego: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich. Written by two investigative journalists, this interpretive history of the Church’s rise to power and prominence after World War II. Special emphasis is given to the mechanisms the Church has used to reach this level of power.

Moncrief, William C., Charles W. Lamb Jr., and Sandra Hart. 1986. “Marketing the Church.” Journal of Professional Services Marketing 1, no. 4:55–63. Investigates the knowledge and use of marketing by clergymen in 161 churches in metropolitan Texas.

Mulder, William. 1986. “A Sense of Humus: Scandinavian Mormon Immigrant Humor.” A paper presented at the Second Annual Juanita Brooks Lecture, St. George Tabernacle, May 24, 1985. St. George, Utah: Dixie College Department of Printing. Examines Latter-day Saint Scandinavian humor from both published and oral sources.

Sataty, Nechama. 1986. “Utopian Visions and Their Critics: Press Reactions to American Utopias in the Antebellum Era.” Ph.D. diss., University of Pennsylvania. Studies four major communitarian groups, including Mormons, through newspapers and magazines (1820s through 1840s) to assess their significance to American society.

Elliott, Dorice. 1987. “The Implied Reader of Church-Related Publications.” Sunstone 11, no. 2:25–30. Studies the assumptions Latter-day Saints make in their judgments about people and their religious attitudes according to which Church or Church-related publications they read and respect.

Godfrey, Kenneth W. 1987. “Non-Mormon Views of the Martyrdom: A Look at Some Early Published Accounts.” John Whitmer Historical Association Journal 17:12–20. Analyzes early accounts of Joseph Smith’s martyrdom as published by non-Mormons in an effort to provide “perspective and balance.”

Jacobs, David L. 1987. “Three Mormon Towns.” Exposure 25, no. 2:5–25. Discusses a photo-essay published by Life in 1954—the result of a project by Ansel Adams and Dorothea Lange. The photo-essay is analyzed, including the resulting reaction from the Latter-day Saint community.

Nelson, Richard A. 1987. “Commercial Propaganda in the Silent Film: A Case Study of A Mormon Maid (1917).” Film History 1:149–62. Relates how the 1917 film A Mormon Maid served as inflammatory propaganda by providing a false inside look at Latter-day Saint life and thereby contributing to anti-Mormon prejudice.

Wilcox, Linda P. 1987. “Mormon Motherhood: Official Images.” In Sisters in Spirit: Mormon Women in Historical and Cultural Perspective. Edited by Maureen U. Beecher and Lavina F. Anderson. Urbana: University of Illinois Press. Studies Latter-day Saint views of motherhood from Church leaders, the Woman’s Exponent, the Deseret News, and other sources.

Baker, Sherry. 1988. “Creating a Shared History: Serial Narratives in the Young Woman’s Journal, 1889–1894.” Master’s thesis, University of Utah. Presents a cultural press history and textual analysis of contemporary indigenous serial literature in a nineteenth-century Latter-day Saint young women’s periodical.

Buice, David. 1988. “Chattanooga’s Southern Star: Mormon Window on the South, 1898–1900.” BYU Studies 28, no. 2:5–15. Discusses the establishment, by Latter-day Saint leaders, of newspapers in the South to maintain discipline and morale among members during 1832. The Southern Star advocated tolerance, patience, and charity toward the Saints’ persecuting neighbors.

Mayer, Jean-François. 1988. “The Catholic Church and Other Sects: Reciprocal Views.” L’Année sociologique 38:193–212. Investigates the images of the Catholic Church presented in the publications of three other religions (Mormons, Jehovah’s Witnesses, and Universal Life).

Peterson, Mary Kay, and F. Ross Peterson. 1988. “The Road to Dialogue: A Continuing Quest.” Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought 21, no. 1:13–18. Looks, retrospectively, at Dialogue’s long affiliation with Latter-day Saint culture and history, discussing the direction in which the new editors hoped to lead the journal.

Sherry, Thomas E. 1988. “Attitudes, Practices, and Positions toward Joseph Smith’s Translation of the Bible: A Historical Analysis of Publications, 1847–1987.” Ed.D. diss., Brigham Young University. Contains a comprehensive bibliography of publications regarding Joseph Smith’s translation of the Bible.

Shupe, Anson D., and John Heinerman. 1988. “The Mormon Communications Empire.” In Money and Power in the New Religions. Edited by J. T. Richardson. Lewiston, N.Y.: Edwin Mellen Press. Examines the “Mormon communications empire” for the purpose of explaining how modes of mass communication can be used to reshape the evolution of religious groups, affecting the ability to increase proselytizing and the degree of public tolerance.

Smith, Wayne P. 1988. “Annotated Scripture Citation Index to Three LDS Presidents in Three Official LDS Periodicals, 1970–1985.” Ed.D. diss., Brigham Young University. Identifies several types of indexes to books and periodicals and then focuses on scripture citation indexing of religious periodicals. Develops an exhaustive annotated scripture citation index to a selected body of Latter-day Saint periodical literature that could be used as a model for further indexing.

Tanner, Terence A. 1988. “The Mormon Press in Nauvoo, 1839–1846.” Western Illinois Regional Studies 11, no. 2:5–29. Outlines the history of the Latter-day Saint newspaper Times and Seasons established in Nauvoo and cites its significance in fostering the Latter-day Saint sense of identity.

Bennion, Sherilyn C. 1989. “The Salt Lake Sanitarian: Medical Adviser to the Saints.” Utah Historical Quarterly 57, no. 2:125–37. Theorizes that regional, medically related journals like the Salt Lake Sanitarian should be given some credit for the modernization of medical treatment in the United States during the nineteenth century.

Carre, Hand. 1989. “Directing the Shine of the Light.” Sunstone 13, no. 6:18–21. Analyzes print advertising programs of various U.S. Christian churches, including The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

D’Arc, James V. 1989. “Darryl F. Zanuck’s Brigham Young: A Film in Context.” BYU Studies 29, no. 1:5–33. Discusses how the film Brigham Young reflected the Latter-day Saint culture and national opinion in the United States during 1940, the year it was first released.

Epperson, Steven. 1989. “Jews in the Columns of Joseph’s Times and Seasons.Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought 22, no. 4:135–42. Compares the positions taken by the Latter-day Saint publication Times and Seasons regarding the Jewish people before and after Joseph Smith’s supervision of the periodical.

Hicks, Michael. 1989. Mormonism and Music: A History. Urbana: University of Illinois Press. Outlines the history of the Church’s music, discussing topics such as early hymnbooks, music professors, and the Mormon Tabernacle Choir.

Hinch, Terry A. 1990. “Viewing Religious Programs: A Comparative Study of Two Audiences.” Ph.D. diss., University of Maryland, College Park. Compares Mormon and non-Mormon viewing of religious programs on television.

Iannaccone, Laurences R., and Carrie A. Miles. 1990. “Dealing with Social Change: The Mormon Church’s Response to Change in Women’s Roles.” Social Forces 68, no. 4:1231–50. Develops and tests a model for analyzing the Church and its reaction to the changing role of women. Includes content analysis of Church publications.

Loy, R. Phillip. 1990. “Saints or Scoundrels: Images of Mormons in Literature and Film about the American West.” Journal of the American Studies Association of Texas 21:57–74. Uses periodical literature of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries as evidence of changes in public perceptions about, and screen depictions of, Mormons in films such as Brigham Young and Wagonmaster.


Brinkerhoff, Merlin B., and Elaine Grandin. 1991. “Contemporary Reactions to Mormonism: A Case Study from Rural Alberta.” Canadian Journal of Sociology 16, no. 2:165–85. Investigates religious social distance among secondary school students. Religious factors are stronger predictors of Latter-day Saint acceptance than are basic demographic factors. The few who had seen anti-Mormon films tended to be less tolerant of Mormons.

De Pillis, Mario S. 1991. “Viewing Mormonism as Mainline.” Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought 24, no. 4:59–68. Justifies applying the term “mainline” or “mainstream” to Mormonism. Includes a discussion of how media enterprises owned by the Church have aided the Church’s progression toward being viewed as a legitimate and mainline religion.

Homer, Michael W. 1991. “The Church’s Image in Italy from the 1840s to 1946: A Bibliographic Essay.” BYU Studies 31, no. 2:83–114. Identifies and discusses Italian articles, books, and pamphlets referencing Mormonism.

Laughlin, David L. 1991. “A Selective, Evaluative, and Annotated Bibliography on Mormonism.” Bulletin of Bibliography 48, no. 2:75–101. Covers items on a variety of aspects relating to Mormonism, including newspapers and other publications.

Lively, Robert L., Jr. 1991. “Bodleian Sources for the Study of Two Nineteenth-Century Millenarian Movements in Britain.” Bodleian Library Record 13, no. 5:491–500. Summarizes the Bodleian (Oxford) Library’s holdings relating to the Catholic Church and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Materials include films of items relating to the British Mission and copies of the British Latter-day Saint periodical.

Norton, Walter A. 1991. “Comparative Images: Mormonism and Contemporary Religions as Seen by Village Newspapermen in Western New York and Northeastern Ohio, 1820–1833.” Ph.D. diss., Brigham Young University. Examines the image of Mormonism circulated by the newspaper editors of western New York and northeastern Ohio from 1829 through 1833.

Peterson, Tarla Rai. 1991. “The Woman’s Exponent, 1872–1914: Champion For the Rights of Women of Zion, and the Rights of Women of All Nations.” In A Voice of Their Own: The Woman SuVrage Press, 1840–1910. Edited by Martha M. Solomon. Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press. Discusses how rhetoric used in the Woman’s Exponent encouraged Latter-day Saint women to view themselves as “heroines” who could make a difference in society by pursuing the rights of woman while maintaining traditionalism.

Price, Rex T. 1991. “The Mormon Missionary of the Nineteenth Century.” Ph.D. diss., University of Wisconsin–Madison. Gives a social history of a Latter-day Saint missionary taken from diaries, journals, tracts, and publications and set in the context of theology and ideology.

Bringhurst, Newell G. 1992. “The Image of Blacks within Mormonism as Presented in The Church News.” American Periodicals 2:113–23. Relates how the Church News has presented, since 1978, a vivid portrait of blacks as prime instruments of Latter-day Saint expansion and growth.

Chandler, Rebecca Worthen. 1992. “The Wake of a Media Crisis: Guilt by Association or Innocence by Proclamation?” Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought 25, no. 2:13–24. Relates how the press associated Jeffrey Don Lundgren’s actions with his former involvement in the Church.

Evans, Vella N. 1992. “Empowerment and Mormon Women’s Publications.” In Women and Authority: Re-emerging Mormon Feminism. Edited by Maxine Hanks. Salt Lake City: Signature Books. Discusses the role of Latter-day Saint women’s publications in empowering Church members.

Flake, Chad J., and Larry W. Draper. 1992. A Mormon Bibliography 1830–1930: Indexes to A Mormon Bibliography and Ten-Year Supplement. Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press. Adds three additional indexes to the original bibliography.

Holzapfel, Richard Neitzel. 1992. “Stereographs and Stereotypes: A 1904 View of Mormonism.” Journal of Mormon History 18, no. 2:155–76. Discusses a stereograph (3-D photo) tour of Latter-day Saint sites, produced at the turn of the twentieth century, as one of the only positive representations of the Church at that time.

Larson, Suzanne. 1992. “An Ideograph Analysis of the Mormon Women and Non-Mormon Women’s Public Argument on Polygamy and Suffrage, 1870–1886.” Ph.D. diss., University of Oregon. Between 1862 and 1890, the nation watched Latter-day Saint women defend polygamy and non-Mormon women oppose it. Studies language—including newspaper articles—to locate reasons and motives compelling a group to action.

Olsen, Bruce L. 1992. “Developing a Non-Profit Public Relations Network.” Public Relations Quarterly 37 (spring): 27–29. Discusses principles involved in the Church’s worldwide network of volunteer public relations representatives used to increase positive awareness of the Church.

Bennion, Sherilyn C. 1993a. “In and Out of Mormondom: Charles W. Hemenway, Journalist.” Utah Historical Quarterly 61, no. 2:150–63. Discusses the life of journalist Charles Willard Hemenway, including his involvement with the Church.

———. 1993b. “Sisters under the Skin: Utah’s Mormon and Non-Mormon Women and Their Publications.” BYU Studies 33, no. 1:111–29. Discusses the debate over polygamy that took place from 1880 to 1883 between Mormons and non-Mormons in Utah, exemplified in the rival publications of the Woman’s Exponent and the Anti-Polygamy Standard.

Isakson, Janika. 1993. Female Arguments: An Examination of the Utah Woman’s Suffrage Debates of 1880 and 1895 as Represented in Opposing Utah Women’s Newspapers. A University Scholar project, Brigham Young University. Available in the Harold B. Lee Library. Contrasts and compares the rhetoric used to enact social reform by the Anti-Polygamy Standard and the Woman’s Exponent in the woman suffrage movement.

Kunde, Gregory T. 1993. “Measuring Press Release Placement from Brigham Young University’s Public Communications Office to Utah’s Newspapers.” Master’s thesis, Brigham Young University. Analyzes the effect that culture and religious affiliation have on what Utah editors choose to print.

Nibley, Paul. 1993. “How Mormons See Themselves in Film.” Sunstone 16, no. 5:14–17. Argues that Latter-day Saints’ attempts to view themselves and accept portrayals of themselves in media as a “Brady Bunch family” keeps Church members from examining real conflicts in their lives and finding real solutions.

Stout, Daniel A. 1993. “Resolving Conflicts of Worldviews: Mormon Women and Television.” Ph.D. diss., Rutgers University. Using the interpretive community approach, examines how Latter-day Saint women deal with conflicts between their religion and television.

Bell, E. Jay. 1994. “The Windows of Heaven Revisited: The 1899 Tithing Reformation.” Journal of Mormon History 20, no. 1:45–83. Compares the historical record to the events depicted in a Church-sponsored movie, The Windows of Heaven.

Copley, Ellen M. 1994. “Mormon Bibliography, 1993.” BYU Studies 34, no. 1:135–98. Lists material published in 1993 dealing with Mormons and Mormonism. Includes newspaper and magazine articles, among other published works.

Introvigne, Massimo. 1994. “The Devil Makers: Contemporary Evangelical Fundamentalist Anti-Mormonism.” Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought 27, no. 1:153–69. Discusses how anti-Mormon movements utilized media such as film and novels.

Russell, J. Neil. 1994. “Defining Disorder: A Case Study of the Branch Davidians.” Paper presented at the American Sociological Association, Los Angeles, California, August 5–9. Compares negative images of the Branch Davidians and early Mormon Church members for similarities in the process of defining social disorder. Analyzes mass media accounts.

Scott, David W. 1994. “Mass Media, Religion, and Conflict: Internal Diversity and Interpretive Communities among Students at BYU.” Master’s thesis, Brigham Young University. Defines three interpretive communities of Latter-day Saint BYU students, with each expressing different attitudes about the film industry, ratings, and content.

Stout, Daniel A. 1994. “Resolving Conflicts of Worldviews: LDS Women and Television.” AMCAP Journal 20, no. 1:61–79. Examines how a sample of Latter-day Saint women describe their experiences with television.

Ashton, Wendell. 1995. “Truth and Liberty: Pioneers in Printers’ Ink.” The Pioneer (summer): 24–27. Presents a short history of how the first printing press in Utah arrived in the Salt Lake Valley before producing the first page of the Deseret News.

Brackenridge, R. Douglas. 1995. “‘Are You That Damned Presbyterian Devil?’ The Evolution of an Anti-Mormon Story.” Journal of Mormon History 21, no. 1:80–105. Relates how stories in newspapers and the evangelical press fabricated details about Duncan J. McMillan’s encounter with Mormonism in 1875.

Copeland, David A. 1995. “The Mormon Problem and the Press.” In Outsiders in Nineteenth-Century Press History: Multicultural Perspectives. Edited by Frankie Hutton and Barbara S. Reed. Bowling Green, Ohio: Bowling Green State University Popular Press. Examines the ways that the Church increased its outsider status and was attacked by the American press when polygamy was unveiled as a religious practice.

Godfrey, Audrey M. 1995. “Selling the Good Life: A Look at Advertising in the Relief Society Magazine, 1914–1970.” Mormon Heritage Magazine 2, no. 1:32–39. Discusses early advertising as it appeared in the Relief Society Magazine and its reflection of values and female roles.

Golding, Robyn. 1995. “Mightier Than the Sword: The War of Words in Nauvoo.” Mormon Heritage Magazine 2, no. 1:20–23. Reviews early newspaper activities surrounding the Church; the power of the printed word.

Whittaker, David J. 1995. Mormon Americana: A Guide to Sources and Collections in the United States. Provo, Utah: BYU Studies. Identifies major repositories and sources of Latter-day Saint material in America.

Bernardi, Debra. 1996. “Domestic Horrors: Disfiguring the American Home, 1860–1903.” Ph.D. diss., University of Wisconsin–Madison. Examines popular fiction, magazine essays, and newspaper articles to find elements of horror pervading representations of the American home. Discusses the reported sexual immoderation of Mormonism.

Bryner, Elizabeth P. 1996. “The Partisan Press of Illinois: Motivation, Rhetoric, and Aggression in Hancock County Newspapers, 1839–1844.” Thetean 25:69–92. Analyzes the role of the partisan press in the political origins of Latter-day Saint conflicts in Nauvoo, Illinois, between 1839 and 1844.

Cluff, Sasha S. 1996. “Christian Feminist Publications and Structures of Constraint: A Comparison of Daughters of Sarah and Exponent II within the Contexts of Neo-evangelicalism and Mormonism.” Master’s thesis, Brigham Young University. Compares two conservative Christian feminist publications: Daughters of Sarah, produced by neo-evangelical feminists, and Exponent II, produced by Latter-day Saint feminists.

Fleming, Robert. 1996. “Turning the Tide: The Mountaineer vs. the Valley Tan.Utah Historical Quarterly 64, no. 3:224–45. Discusses how the Valley Tan, an anti-Mormon publication, and the Mountaineer, a pro-Mormon publication, experienced limited journalistic success from 1859 through 1861, recording an important period in Mormon–non-Mormon relations.

Homer, Michael W. 1996. “LDS Prospects in Italy for the Twenty-First Century.” Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought 29, no. 1:139–58. Examines the growth of the Church in Italy since 1966 and the changing perception of the Church projected by the Italian media.

Lefler, Thomas J. 1996. “In Search of a Transcendental Film Style: The Cinematic Art Form and the Mormon Motion Picture.” Master’s thesis, Brigham Young University. Discusses the difficulty of using film to portray and express religious faith.

Nelson, Jack A. 1996. “A Libelous, Scandalous, and Scurrilous Sheet: The Gentile-Owned Valley Tan Publishers in Mormon Utah.” Journal of the West 35, no. 2:85–94. Gives a history of the Valley Tan, the first anti-Mormon newspaper in Utah Territory. Discusses factors leading to the Valley Tan’s demise in 1860, including confrontations with the Deseret News and Latter-day Saint authorities.

Ostler, Craig J. 1996. “Nauvoo Saints in the Newspapers of the 1840s.” Nauvoo Journal 8, no. 1:30–33. Analyzes newspaper coverage of the Church and its members during the Nauvoo years.

Pingree, Gregory. 1996. “‘The Biggest Whorehouse in the World’: Representations of Plural Marriage in Nineteenth-Century America.” Western Humanities Review 50, no. 3:213–32. Addresses the “reductive rhetoric” in political and moral language concerning polygamy in the nineteenth century.

Shipps, Jan. 1996. “The Neglected Story of Mormonism Today: What Mike Wallace Missed.” Sunstone 19, no. 3:82–86. Argues that Wallace’s interview of President Gordon B. Hinckley missed significant matters that are critically important to the story of Mormonism while he tried to illustrate that Church members are not “weird.”

Stout, Daniel A. 1996. “Protecting the Family: Mormon Teachings about Mass Media.” In Religion and Mass Media: Audiences and Adaptations. Edited by Daniel A. Stout and Judith M. Buddenbaum. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage. Characterizes the relationship between Church members and the mass media by paradox: communication technologies are praised for their education and entertainment aspects but also condemned for their secular and potentially corrupting aspects.

Stout, Daniel A., David W. Scott, and Dennis G. Martin. 1996. “Mormons, Mass Media, and the Interpretive Audience.” In Religion and Mass Media: Audiences and Adaptations. Edited by Daniel A. Stout and Judith M. Buddenbaum. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage. Discusses the nature and scope of interpretational strategies used by conservative religious groups when dealing with mass media. Based on questionnaire surveys of 238 students from Brigham Young University.

Tanner, Terence A. 1996. “The Mormon Press in Nauvoo.” In Kingdom on the Mississippi Revisited: Nauvoo in Mormon History. Edited by Roger D. Launius and John E. Hallwas. Urbana: University of Illinois Press. Addresses lack of “scholarly attention” focused on the printing office in Nauvoo despite its important position in Latter-day Saint history and provides a broad outline of the press’s history and its significance in the development of the “peculiar sense of identity” important to the growth of the Church.

Valenti, JoAnn M., and Daniel A. Stout. 1996. “Diversity from Within: An Analysis of the Impact of Religious Culture on Media Use and EVective Communication to Women.” In Religion and Mass Media: Audiences and Adaptations. Edited by Daniel A. Stout and Judith M. Buddenbaum. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage. Examines the relationships between religious affiliation and media consumption via 1992 and 1993 surveys of Latter-day Saint women in Los Angeles, California; Houston, Texas; and Salt Lake City and Provo, Utah.

Xu, Shi. 1996. “The Images of the Chinese in the Rocky Mountain Region, 1855–1882.” Ph.D. diss., Brigham Young University. Relates how the newspapers and journals affiliated with the Church were consistently sympathetic to the Chinese. The friendly attitudes of the publications came from both their religious beliefs and the shared sense of persecution.

Armstrong, Richard N. 1997. “Researching Mormonism: General Conference as Artifactual Gold Mine.” Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought 30, no. 3:151–68. Discusses how records from general conference, which was first broadcast on radio in 1924 and on television in 1949, provide researchers with the most significant source of authoritative Latter-day Saint leader rhetoric since the organization of the Church.

Givens, Terryl L. 1997. The Viper on the Hearth: Mormons, Myths, and the Construction of Heresy. New York: Oxford University Press. Addresses nineteenth-century depictions and perceptions of the Church, claiming that the fear inspired by “Mormons” stemmed from their “demystification” of Christianity, and studies how the representations of Church members in popular fiction affects the religion’s relationship with American society.

Hafen, Thomas K. 1997. “City of Saints, City of Sinners: The Development of Salt Lake City as a Tourist Attraction, 1869–1900.” Western Historical Quarterly 28, no. 3:342–78. Shows how the mass marketing efforts of transportation, media, and tourism enterprises endeavored to create images of Salt Lake City according to their respective conceptions of their audiences.

Rather, Susan C. 1997. “Film Propaganda and the Christian Way of Knowing the Truth: A Look at LDS Documentary Film Making.” Master’s thesis, Brigham Young University. Discusses how the tension between apparently conflicting theological mandates in the gospel of Jesus Christ, as understood by the Church, is reflected in content and stylistic elements of Latter-day Saint documentary films.

Whittaker, David J. 1997. “The Web of Print: Toward a History of the Book in Early Mormon Culture.” Journal of Mormon History 23, no. 1:1–41. Discusses the emerging discipline of book production, the role of books in Mormon thought, and the application of book history research methods as they relate to the history of the book in nineteenth-century Mormon culture.

Wilson, Diona M. 1997. “The Influence of Religious Teachings on the Media Selections of LDS Teenagers.” Master’s thesis, Brigham Young University. Discusses factors influencing media selection by Latter-day Saint teens, including teachings of the Church about media use.

Morin, Karen M., and Jeanne K. Guelke. 1998. “Strategies of Representation, Relationship, and Resistance: British Women Travelers and Mormon Plural Wives, ca. 1870–1890.” Association of American Geographers 88, no. 3:436–62. Discusses descriptions of plural wives as written by female British travel writers in the late nineteenth century, with a focus on understanding the writer’s own concept of proper conduct and the efforts of Latter-day Saint women to “counteract negative public images.”

Shipps, Jan. 1998. “The Mormon Image since 1960.” Paper presented at Sunstone Symposium, Salt Lake City, July 29. Updates Shipps’s previous work, reviewing Latter-day Saint media images since 1960.

Smith, Craig S. 1998. “The Curious Meet the Mormons: Images from Travel Narratives, 1850s and 1860s.” Journal of Mormon History 24, no. 2:155–81. Examines eighteen selected travel narratives written in or translated into English that detail visits to Salt Lake City between 1849 and 1867 and were printed between 1851 and 1872.

Chen, Chiung Hwang, and Ethan Yorgason. 1999. “‘Those Amazing Mormons’: The Media’s Construction of Latter-day Saints as a Model Minority.” Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought 32, no. 2:107–28. Situates U.S. media coverage of the Church within model minority discourse and explains the problematic nature of that discourse.

Stout, Daniel A. 1999. “Mormons and Media Literacy: Exploring the Dynamics of Religious Media Education.” Paper presented at the Third International Conference on Media, Religion, and Culture, Edinburgh, Scotland, July 20–23. Gives three approaches to media literacy within Latter-day Saint audiences.

Stout, Daniel A., Joseph D. Straubhaar, and Gayle Newbold. 1999. “Through a Glass Darkly: Mormons as Perceived by Critics’ Reviews of Tony Kushner’s Angels in America.Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought 32, no. 2:133–57. Discusses what information media gatekeepers communicate about the Church, as well as what they discard.

Allen, James B., Ronald W. Walker, and David J. Whittaker. 2000. Studies in Mormon History, 1830–1997: An Indexed Bibliography (with a Topical Guide to Published Social Science Literature on the Mormons, by Armand L. Mauss and Dynette Ivie Reynolds). Urbana: University of Illinois Press. Provides an indexed bibliography of Latter-day Saint history, including subject headings related to communication studies: publications, public relations, and media and public images of Mormons and/or the Church.

Baker, Sherry. 2000. “Utah Woman’s Press Club, 1891–1928.” In Women’s Press Organizations, 1881-1999. Edited by Elizabeth V. Burt. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Publishing. Gives a short history of the Utah Woman’s Press Club within the context of other nineteenth-century women’s press organizations.

Barker, Brian. 2000. “NewsNet: A Qualitative Analysis of the First Fully Converged Newsroom in America.” Master’s thesis, Brigham Young University. Presents a qualitative study on the convergence of broadcast, print, and online media in BYU’s NewsNet, the first collegiate integrated newsroom in America.

Chen, Chiung Hwang. 2000. “From Pariah to Paragon: Mormon and Asian American Model Minority Discourse in News and Popular Magazines.” Ph.D. diss., University of Iowa. Examines magazine treatment of the Church and Asian Americans. Both groups are seen as successful but nonetheless deviating from mainstream American culture.

Gold, Laura Maery. 2000. Mormons on the Internet, 2000–2001. Roseville, Calif.: Prima Publishing. Discusses the growing number of Latter-day Saint Internet users and why they use it—both secular and nonsecular.

Johnson-Bennion, Daniela. 2000. “Comparing Themes of Polygamy in Mormon Women’s Public and Personal Writings as Found in the Woman’s Exponent and Their Diaries during the Edmunds Act, the Edmunds-Tucker Act, and the Manifesto.” Master’s thesis, Utah State University. Examines Latter-day Saint women’s arguments defending polygamy in both public and private forums.

Marsh, W. Jeffrey. 2000. “When the Press Meets the Prophet.” In Out of Obscurity: The LDS Church in the Twentieth Century. Salt Lake City: Deseret Book. Discusses the evolution of media relations since the sustaining of Gordon B. Hinckley as President of the Church, as well as a listing of twenty-five interviews granted by President Hinckley to a variety of media outlets.

Out of Obscurity: The LDS Church in the Twentieth Century. 2000. Salt Lake City: Deseret Book. Proceedings of the Twenty-Ninth Annual Sidney B. Sperry Symposium. Traces events that have marked the unprecedented growth and expansion of the Church during its 170 years of existence. Many of the included essays emphasize media-related topics.

Rasmussen, Russell C. 2000. “Computers and the Internet in the Church.” In Out of Obscurity: The LDS Church in the Twentieth Century. Salt Lake City: Deseret Book. Documents several ways in which the Church has adopted use of the Internet.

Saunders, Richard L. 2000. Printing in Deseret: Mormons, Economy, Politics, and Utah’s Incunabula, 1849–1851. Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press. Presents a history and descriptive bibliography. Includes a bibliographic history of the press, chronicling more than fifty of the earliest printed documents, or incunabula, created during the initial settlement years.

Shipps, Jan. 2000. Sojourner in the Promised Land: Forty Years among the Mormons. Urbana: University of Illinois Press. In this collection of essays, chapters 2, 3, 4, 5, and 15 specifically address the relationship of Mormonism to the press and mainstream America. Addresses the role of media in shaping Latter-day Saint image, the radical changes brought about by Church media efforts, the perception of Latter-day Saint people in America, the Southern Baptist Conference held in Salt Lake City, and a review of Latter-day Saint tradition and its relation to American mainstream religions.

Todd, Jay M. 2000. “An Overview of Church Magazines in the Twentieth Century: With Appendixes A, B, C.” Unpublished text from a videotaped presentation given at Brigham Young University’s Twenty-Ninth Annual Sidney B. Sperry Symposium, September 29. Presents an overview of Church magazines and periodicals from January 1901 through 2000.


Takagi, Shinji. 2001. “Mormons in the Press: Reactions to the 1901 Opening of the Japan Mission.” BYU Studies 40 no. 1:141–75. Addresses the explosion of media attention (over 160 pieces) covering the first four missionaries in the Japan Mission and suggests that the coverage both served to spread knowledge of the Church and to provide a historical and social context for missionary work.

Simmons, Diena. 2002. “Motivations and Gratifications for Selecting a Niche Television Channel: BYU Television.” Master’s thesis, Brigham Young University. Examines the relationships among ritual and instrumental viewing motivations and satisfactions, viewer religiosity, and viewing attentiveness as they relate to the selection of a niche television channel, Brigham Young University Television.

Stout, Daniel A. 2002. “Religious Media Literacy: An Agenda for Future Study.” Journal of Media and Religion 1, no. 1:49–60. Explores various barriers to media literacy in the Latter-day Saint community and in other denominations.

Vance, Laura. 2002. “Evolution of Ideals for Women in Mormon Periodicals, 1897–1999.” Sociology of Religion 63, no. 1:91–112. Presents a content analysis of Latter-day Saint periodicals reviewing the “proper” role of women in the changing American sociocultural environment.

Chen, Chiung Hwang. 2003. “‘Molympics’? Journalistic Discourse of Mormons in Relation to the 2002 Winter Olympic Games.” Journal of Media and Religion 2, no. 1:29–47. Presents a discourse analysis of news magazine and newspaper articles concerning the Mormons during the 2002 Olympics to discover attitude and portrayal.

Scott, David W. 2003. “Mormon ‘Family values’ versus Television: An Anlysis of the Discourse of Mormon Couples Regarding Television and Popular Media Culture.” Critical studies in Media Communication 20, no. 3:317–33. Examines the readings of television texts from the perspective of audience members who are, because of their religious practices, ideologically situated to the right of much that is offered on television. The findings in this case are consistent with Stuart Hall’s notion that individuals bring contradictory and conflicting discourse into their readings of media texts.

Bibliography Author List

Allen, James B., Ronald W. Walker, and David J. Whittaker, 2000

Allred, Edith May A., 1963

Alstyne, Arvo Van, 1967

Alter, J. Cecil, 1938

Anderson, John R., 1986

Appleton, Marianne, and A. Garr Cranney, 1985

Armstrong, Richard N., 1997

Arrington, Leonard J., 1966

———, 1969

———, 1972

———, 1974

Ashliman, D. L., 1967

Ashton, Wendell J., 1950

———, 1976

———, 1977

———, 1995

Baker, John D., 1976

Baker, Sherry, 1988

———, 2000

Banks, Loy O., 1948

———, 1950

Barker, Brian, 2000

Barnett, Steven G., 1979

Beckham, Raymond E., 1969

———, 1972

Beecher, Maureen Ursenbach, 1985

Bell, E. Jay, 1994

Bennett, Robert F., 1977

Bennion, Sherilyn C., 1976

———, 1977

———, 1981a

———, 1981b

———, 1982

———, 1989

———, 1993a

———, 1993b

Bernardi, Debra, 1996

Berrian, William, 1898

Bills, Wayne R, 1984

Bitton, Davis, and Gary L. Bunker, 1978a

———, 1978b

Björk, Kenneth O., 1962

Brackenridge, R. Douglas, 1995

Bray, Lawrence Hall, 1966

Bray, Robert T., 1979

Brewer, Courtney H., 1953

Bringhurst, Newell G., 1992

Brinkerhoff, Merlin B., and Elaine Grandin, 1991

Bryner, Elizabeth P., 1996

Buice, David, 1988

Bunker, Gary L., and Davis Bitton, 1977

———, 1983a

———, 1983b

———, 1986

Burton, Thomas R., 1984

Bush, Lester E., Jr., 1976

Bussel, Alan, 1973

Carpenter, Don A., 1968

Carre, Hand, 1989

Casterline, Gail F., 1974

Chandler, Rebecca Worthen, 1992

Chen, Chiung Hwang, 2000

———, 2003

Chen, Chiung Hwang, and Ethan Yorgason, 1999

Christensen, Bruce L., 1982

Clark, James R., 1944

Clawson, Rudger, 1911

Cluff, Sasha S., 1996

Conder, Marjorie D., 1985

Copeland, David A., 1995

Copley, Ellen M., 1994

Cowan, Richard O., 1961

Cracroft, Richard H., 1974

———, 1984

Cracroft, Richard P., 1951

Cragun, LeAnn, 1981

D’Arc, James V., 1976

———, 1985

———, 1986

———, 1989

De Pillis, Mario S., 1991

Donigan, Robert W., 1963

———, 1964

Duvall, Scott H., 1982

Eagle, Donald Alvin, 1985

Eccles, Stephen L., 1978

Eid, Leroy V., 1977

Elliott, Dorice, 1987

Ellsworth, Paul D., 1979

Enroth, Ronald M., and Neil T. Duddy, 1983

Epperson, Steven, 1989

Esplin, Fred C., 1977

Esplin, Ross S., 1949

Evans, Vella N., 1985

———, 1992

Fairbanks, Merwin G., 1964

Fairbourn, E. LeGrand, 1983

Flake, Chad J., 1980

Flake, Chad J., and Dale L. Morgan, 1978

Flake, Chad J., and Larry W. Draper, 1992

Fleming, Robert, 1996

Fletcher, Peggy, 1982

Ford, James E., 1983

Foster, Lawrence, 1974

Francis, Rell G., 1978

Garr, Arnold K., 1986

Givens, Terryl L., 1997

Godfrey, Audrey M., 1995

Godfrey, Kenneth W., 1987

“Going My Way: An Interview with Newsweek’s Kenneth Woodward,” 1980

Gold, Laura Maery, 2000

Golding, Robyn, 1995

Gottlieb, Robert, and Peter Wiley, 1979

———, 1986

Greenwell, James R., 1963

Gregory, Fern D., 1984

Hafen, Thomas K., 1997

Haroldsen, Edwin O., and K. Harvey, 1979

Heller, Luther L., 1966

Heyer, Terry L., 1976

Hicks, Michael, 1989

Hinch, Terry A., 1990

Holley, Robert P., and Yvonne Stroup, eds., 1984

Hollstein, Milton, 1977

Holzapfel, Richard Neitzel, 1992

Homer, Michael W., 1991

———, 1996

Iannaccone, Laurences R., and Carrie A. Miles, 1990

Introvigne, Massimo, 1994

Irving, Gordon, 1972

Isakson, Janika, 1993

Iversen, Joan, 1984

Jack, Ralph L., 1954

Jacobs, David Kent, 1967

Jacobs, David L., 1987

Jacobson, Pearl F., 1964

Jennings, Warren A., 1967

Jeppson, Lawrence S., 1955

Johnson-Bennion, Daniela, 2000

Jolley, Jerry C., 1982

“Journalism in Pioneer Days,” 1944

Kunde, Gregory T., 1993

Larson, Suzanne, 1992

Lattimore, R. B., 1968

Laughlin, David L., 1991

Lefler, Thomas J., 1996

Leonard, Glen M., 1972

Limburg, Val E., 1964

“List of Works in the Library Relating to Mormons,” 1909

Lively, Robert L., Jr., 1991

Louw, Ronald C., 1976

Loy, R. Phillip, 1990

Lund, A. William, 1930

Lyman, Edward L., 1981

Lynn, Karen, 1981

Lythgoe, Dennis L., 1968

———, 1969

Macaré, Helen H., 1961

Mackey, Randall A., 1985

Madsen, Carol C., 1977

———, 1982

———, 1985

Malmquist, Orvin N., 1971

Marsh, W. Jeffrey, 2000

Mauss, Armand L., 1984

Mauss, Armand L., and Jeffrey R. Franks, 1984

Mayer, Jean-François, 1988

Mc Cardell, Wallin S., 1968

McLaws, Monte B., 1971

———, 1977

McMurtrie, Douglas C., 1931

———, 1932

———, 1933

Merrill, Harrison R., 1930

Miller, Heather R., 1981

Moncrief, William C., Charles W. Lamb Jr., and Sandra Hart, 1986

Moore, Richard G., 1983

Morin, Karen M., and Jeanne K. Guelke, 1998

Mormons: A Dissertation Collection, 1943–1985, 1985

Morris, Herbert Newel, 1958

Mortensen, A. Russell, 1949

———, 1952

———, 1953

Mulder, William, 1947

———, 1986

Mulder, William, and A. Russell Mortensen, eds., 1958

Mullen, Robert R., 1957

Munn, Martin B., 1961

Nelson, Jack A., 1996

Nelson, Richard A., 1973

———, 1974

———, 1975

———, 1977

———, 1984

———, 1987

Nibley, Paul, 1993

Norton, Walter A., 1976

———, 1991

Oaks, Dallin H., 1965

Olsen, Bruce L., 1965

———, 1992

Olson, Ernest L., 1949

Oman, Susan S., 1981

Ostler, Craig J., 1996

Out of Obscurity: The LDS Church in the Twentieth Century, 2000

Palmer, Allen W., 1979

Parkin, Max H., 1978

Pedersen, Lyman C., Jr., 1974

Pelo, Dale P., 1973

Penrose, C. W., 1912

Peterson, Mary Kay, and F. Ross Peterson, 1988

Peterson, Tarla Rai, 1991

Peterson, Virgil V., 1949

Pingree, Gregory, 1996

Price, Rex T., 1991

Pusey, Merlo J., 1977

Rasmussen, Russell C., 2000

Rather, Susan C., 1997

Roberts, Allen D., 1985

Robertson, A., Richard, 1951

Roof, Wade C., 1984

Russell, J. Neil, 1994

Sataty, Nechama, 1986

Saunders, Richard L., 2000

Scott, David W., 1994

———, 2003

Sellars, Marie L., H. Reed Geertsen, and Robert M. Gray, 1971

Sherry, Thomas E., 1988

Shields, Steven L., 1982

Shipps, Jan, 1973

———, 1977

———, 1980

———, 1996

———, 1998

———, 2000

Showalter, Betty S., 1978

Shupe, Anson D., and John Heinerman, 1988

Simmons, Diena, 2002

Smart, Max Neff, 1952

Smith, Craig S., 1998

Smith, Wayne P., 1988

Smith, W. W., 1921

Snider, Cecil A., 1933a

———, 1933b

Snider, Helen F., 1933

Snow, Edwina Jo, 1972

Sorenson, Parry D., 1962

Sostrum, John P., 1960

Sperry, Kip, 1975

Stahle, Larry, 1980

Stathis, Stephen W., 1981

———, 1982

———, 1983a

———, 1983b

Stathis, Stephen W., and Dennis L. Lythgoe, 1977

Stewart, Douglas C., 1968

Stout, Daniel A., 1993

———, 1994

———, 1996

———, 1999

———, 2002

Stout, Daniel A., David W. Scott, and Dennis G. Martin, 1996

Stout, Daniel A., Joseph D. Straubhaar, and Gayle Newbold, 1999

Sudweeks, Joseph, 1955

Swenson, Paul, 1977

Swenson, Sharon Lee, 1985

Takagi, Shinji, 2001

Tanner, Terence A., 1988

———, 1996

Thatcher, Linda, 1978

Thatcher, Linda, and John R. Sillito, 1985

Thorp, Malcolm R., 1979

Todd, Jay M., 2000

Underwood, Grant, 1981

———, 1984

Valenti, JoAnn M., and Daniel A. Stout, 1996

Vance, Laura, 2002

Ward, Gordon A., 1959

White, O. Kendall, and Daryl C. White, 1980

Whitaker, Wetzel O., 1983

Whittaker, David J., 1980

———, 1982

———, 1995

———, 1997

Wilcox, Linda P., 1987

Wilson, Diona M., 1997

Winkler, Lorna M., 1981

Wolsey, Heber G., 1949

———, 1967

Wright, David G., 1964

Yancey, Philip, 1983

Young, Levi E., 1913

Xu, Shi, 1996

Bibliography Subject List

Adams, Ansel

Jacobs, David L., 1987


Leonard, Glen M., 1972

Ashton, Wendell J., 1977

Bennion, S. C., 1982

Yancey, Philip, 1983

Moncrief, William C., Charles W. Lamb Jr., and Sandra Hart, 1986

Carre, Hand, 1989

Godfrey, Audrey M., 1995

Hafen, Thomas K., 1997

American West, the

Baker, John D., 1976

Eid, Leroy V., 1977

Francis, Rell G., 1978

Bunker, Gary L., and Davis Bitton, 1983b

Loy, R. Phillip, 1990

Anderson, George Edward

Francis, Rell G., 1978

Anderson, May

Oman, Susan S., 1981

Angels in America (stage play)

Stout, Daniel A., Joseph D. Straubhaar, and Gayle Newbold, 1999

Anti-Mormon media

“Pamphlets on Mormonism,” 1906

Clawson, Rudger, 1911

McMurtrie, Douglas C., 1933

Sostrum, John P., 1960

Cowan, Richard O., 1961

Greenwell, James R., 1963

Oaks, Dallin H., 1965

Jennings, Warren A., 1967

Lattimore, R. B., 1968

Shipps, Jan, 1973

Arrington, Leonard J., 1974

Cracroft, Richard H., 1974

Nelson, Richard A., 1975

Sperry, Kip, 1975

Bunker, Gary L., and Davis Bitton, 1977

Nelson, Richard A., 1977

Barnett, Steven G., 1979

Thorp, Malcolm R., 1979

D’Arc, James V., 1985

Mackey, Randall A., 1985

Roberts, Allen D., 1985

Swenson, Sharon L., 1985

Nelson, Richard A., 1987

Loy, R. Phillip, 1990

Brinkerhoff, Merlin B., and Elaine Grandin, 1991

Introvigne, Massimo, 1994

Brackenridge, R. Douglas, 1995

Fleming, Robert, 1996

Nelson, Jack A., 1996

Anti-Polygamy Standard

Bennion, Sherilyn C., 1993b

Isakson, Janika, 1993


Eagle, Donald A., 1985


Stewart, Douglas C., 1968

Hollstein, Milton C., 1977

Hinch, Terry A., 1990

Stout, Daniel A., 1993

Scott, David W., 1994

Stout, Daniel A., 1996

Stout, Daniel A., David W. Scott, and Dennis G. Martin, 1996

Valenti, JoAnn M., and Daniel A. Stout, 1996

Hafen, Thomas K., 1997

Stout, Daniel A., 1999

Simmons, Diena, 2002

Scott, David W., 2003

Battlestar Galactica (television show)

Ford, James E., 1983


Ford, James E., 1983

Underwood, Grant, 1984

Bibliographies (see also Indexes)

Berrian, William, 1898

“Pamphlets on Mormonism,” 1906

“List of Works in the Library Relating to Mormons,” 1909

McMurtrie, Douglas C., 1931

Sudweeks, Joseph, 1955

Eccles, Stephen L., 1978

Flake, Chad J., and Dale L. Morgan, 1978

Parkin, Max H., 1978

Flake, Chad, 1980

Duvall, Scott H., 1982

Stathis, Stephen W., 1982

Ford, James E., 1983

Holley, Robert P., and Yvonne Stroup, eds., 1984

Mauss, Armand L., and Jeffrey R. Franks, 1984

Mormons: A Dissertation Collection, 1943–1985, 1985

Homer, Michael W., 1991

Laughlin, David L., 1991

Flake, Chad J., and Larry W. Draper, 1992

Copley, Ellen M., 1994

Allen, James B., Ronald W. Walker, and David J. Whittaker, 2000

Saunders, Richard L., 2000


Björk, Kenneth O., 1962

Bonneville International Corporation

Esplin, Fred C., 1977

Gottlieb, Robert, and Peter Wiley, 1979

Book of Mormon

Underwood, Grant, 1984

Book reviews

Heyer, Terry L., 1976


Berrian, William, 1898

Ward, Gordon A., 1959

Snow, Edwina Jo, 1972

Heyer, Terry L., 1976

Flake, Chad J., and Dale L. Morgan, 1978

Thorp, Malcolm R., 1979

Flake, Chad, 1980

Lynn, Karen, 1981

Duvall, Scott H., 1982

Stathis, Stephen W., 1983b

Underwood, Grant, 1984

Smith, Wayne P., 1988

Hicks, Michael, 1989

Introvigne, Massimo, 1994

Whittaker, David J., 1997

Branch Davidians

Russell, J. Neil, 1994

Brigham Young (film)

D’Arc, James V., 1976

———, 1986

———, 1989

Loy, R. Phillip, 1990

Brigham Young University

Bray, Lawrence H., 1966

Whitaker, Wetzel O., 1983

Kunde, Gregory T., 1993

Scott, David W., 1994

Stout, Daniel A., David W. Scott, and Dennis G. Martin, 1996

Barker, Brian, 2000

Simmons, Diena, 2002


Lund, A. William, 1930

Clark, James R., 1944

Thorp, Malcolm R., 1979

Burton, Thomas R., 1984

Lively, Robert L., Jr., 1991

Morin, Karen M., and Jeanne K. Guelke, 1998


Wolsey, Heber G., 1949

Brewer, Courtney H., 1953

Donigan, Robert W., 1963

———, 1964

Jacobson, Pearl F., 1964

Limburg, Val E., 1964

Wolsey, Heber G., 1967

Stewart, Douglas C., 1968

Ashton, Wendell J., 1977

Esplin, Fred C., 1977

Hollstein, Milton C., 1977

Gottlieb, Robert, and Peter Wiley, 1979

Bills, Wayne R., 1984

Gregory, Fern D., 1984

Nelson, Richard A., 1984

Roof, Wade C., 1984

Hinch, Terry A., 1990

Stout, Daniel A., 1993

———, 1994

Armstrong, Richard N., 1997

Barker, Brian, 2000

Simmons, Diena, 2002

Brooks, Juanita

Winkler, Lorna M., 1981

Brownlow, William G.

Lattimore, R. B., 1968

Cable television

Esplin, Fred C., 1977


“Journalism in Pioneer Days,” 1944

Louw, Ronald C., 1976

Catholic Church, images of

Mayer, Jean-François., 1988

Lively, Robert L., Jr., 1991


McLaws, Monte B., 1971

Cragun, LeAnn, 1981

Winkler, Lorna M., 1981

Children’s Friend

Oman, Susan S., 1981

Chinese people

Xu, Shi, 1996

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, The

documentary film on

Young, Levi E., 1913

Rather, Susan C., 1997

general conference

Armstrong, Richard N., 1997

image building and control by

Louw, Ronald C., 1976

Bennett, Robert F., 1977

Hollstein, Milton C., 1977

Cragun, LeAnn, 1981

Christensen, Bruce L., 1982

Fletcher, Peggy, 1982

Enroth, Ronald M., and Neil T. Duddy, 1983

leaders of

Bunker, Gary L., and Davis Bitton, 1986

Marsh, W. Jeffrey, 2000

media operations of

Wolsey, Heber G., 1949

Donigan, Robert W., 1963

———, 1964

Jacobson, Pearl F., 1964

Limburg, Val E., 1964

Stewart, Douglas C., 1968

Nelson, Richard A., 1973

———, 1974

Gottlieb, Robert, and Peter Wiley, 1979

Miller, Heather R., 1981

Whittaker, David J., 1982

Elliott, Dorice, 1987

Buice, David, 1988

DePillis, Mario S., 1991

Out of Obscurity: The LDS Church in the Twentieth Century, 2000

media owned by

McMurtrie, Douglas C., 1931

Robertson, A. Richard, 1951

Jacobs, David K., 1967

McLaws, Monte B., 1971

Gottlieb, Robert, and Peter Wiley, 1979

millennialism of

Underwood, Grant, 1981

Lively, Robert L., Jr., 1991

organizational behavior of

White, O. Kendall, and Daryl C. White, 1980

periodicals of

Penrose, C. W., 1912

Smith, W. W., 1921

Lund, A. William, 1930

Merrill, Harrison R., 1930

Banks, Loy O., 1948

Esplin, Ross S., 1949

Sudweeks, Joseph, 1955

Whittaker, David J., 1980

Oman, Susan S., 1981

Shields, Steven L., 1982

Moore, Richard G., 1983

Conder, Marjorie D., 1985

power of

Gottlieb, Robert and Peter Wiley, 1986

programs of

Macaré, Hellen H., 1961

Arrington, Leonard J., 1972

public communications of

Jeppson, Lawrence S., 1955

Mullen, Robert R., 1957

Haroldsen, Edwin O., and K. Harvey, 1979

Moncrief, William C., Charles W. Lamb Jr., and Sandra Hart, 1986

teachings about media use

Stout, Daniel A., 1996

Wilson, Diona M., 1997

theology of

Foster, Lawrence, 1974

Stathis, Stephen W., 1981

Underwood, Grant, 1981

———, 1984

Anderson, John R., 1986

Price, Rex T., 1991

Visitors’ Centers

Fairbourn, E. LeGrand, 1983

Holzapfel, Richard N., 1992

Hafen, Thomas K., 1997

Church News

Bringhurst, Newell G., 1992

Colonization and Mormon journalism

Penrose, C. W., 1912

Smith, W. W., 1921

Merrill, Harrison R., 1930

McMurtrie, Douglas C., 1931

———, 1932

Snider, Cecil A., 1933a

Alter, J. Cecil, 1938

“Journalism in Pioneer Days,” 1944

Banks, Loy O., 1948

Mortensen, A. Russell, 1949

Peterson, Virgil V., 1949

Ashton, Wendell J., 1950

Mortensen, A. R., 1952

Brewer, Courtney H., 1953

Sorenson, Parry D., 1962

Olsen, Bruce L., 1965

Irving, Gordon, 1972

McLaws, Monte B., 1977

Shields, Steven L., 1982

Saunders, Richard L., 2000


Sataty, Nechama, 1986


Olson, Ernest L., 1949

Heller, Luther L., 1966

Wolsey, Heber G., 1967

Leonard, Glen M., 1972

Eagle, Donald A., 1985

Jacobs, David L., 1987

Stout, Daniel A., 1993

———, 2002


Rasmussen, Russell C., 2000

Conversion, religious

Miller, Heather R., 1981

Cornwall, J. Spencer

Gregory, Fern D., 1984

Daily Union Vedette

Pedersen, Lyman C., Jr., 1974

Daughters of Sarah

Cluff, Sasha S., 1996

DeMille, Cecil B.

D’Arc, James V., 1986

Deseret, Territory of

Jack, Ralph L., 1954

Leonard, Glen M., 1972

Nelson, Jack A., 1996

Deseret News

Penrose, C. W., 1912

McMurtrie, Douglas C., 1931

Mortensen, A. Russell, 1949

Ashton, Wendell J., 1950

Mortensen, A. R., 1952

Mortensen, A. Russell, ed., 1953

Jack, Ralph L., 1954

Greenwell, James R., 1963

Heller, Luther L., 1966

Beckham, Raymond E., 1969

Malmquist, Orvin N., 1971

McLaws, Monte B., 1971

———, 1977

Swenson, Paul, 1977

Stahle, Larry, 1980

Wilcox, Linda P., 1987

Ashton, Wendell, 1995

Nelson, Jack A., 1996

Deseret Press

Stahle, Larry, 1980


Peterson, Mary Kay, and F. Ross Peterson, 1988


Smart, Max N., 1952

Bray, Lawrence H., 1966

Heller, Luther L., 1966

Lattimore, R. B., 1968

Bussel, Alan, 1973

Madsen, Carol C., 1977

Shields, Steven L., 1982


Alter, J. Cecil, 1938

Olson, Ernest L., 1949

Cracroft, Richard P., 1951

Mortensen, A. Russell, ed., 1953

Lattimore, R. B., 1968

Pusey, Merlo J., 1977

Showalter, Betty S., 1978

Bennion, Sherilyn C., 1981a

——— 1981b

Madsen, Carol C., 1982

———, 1985

Thatcher, Linda, and John R. Sillito, 1985

Norton, Walter A., 1991

Emory County Progress-Leader

Olsen, Bruce L., 1965


Young, Levi E., 1913

Nelson, Richard A., 1984

Stout, Daniel A., 1996

Evangelical press

Bills, Wayne R., 1984

Introvigne, Massimo, 1994

Brackenridge, R. Douglas, 1995

Cluff, Sasha S., 1996

Evening and Morning Star

Banks, Loy O., 1948

Jennings, Warren A., 1967

Irving, Gordon, 1972

Shields, Steven L., 1982


Shipps, Jan, 1980

Exponent II

Showalter, Betty S., 1978

Cluff, Sasha S., 1996


Oaks, Dallin H., 1965

Barnett, Steven G., 1979

Families and media

Nibley, Paul, 1993

Stout, Daniel A., 1996

Scott, David W., 2003

Felt, Louise

Oman, Susan S., 1981

Feminism (see also Woman’s suffrage)

Iversen, Joan, 1984

Madsen, Carol C., 1985

Evans, Vella N., 1992

Cluff, Sasha S., 1996


Clawson, Rudger, 1911

Young, Levi E., 1913

Alstyne, Arvo Van, 1967

Jacobs, David K., 1967

Nelson, Richard A., 1973

———, 1974

———, 1975

D’Arc, James V., 1976

Nelson, Richard A., 1977

Whitaker, Wetzel O., 1983

Nelson, Richard A., 1984

D’Arc, James V., 1985

Eagle, Donald A., 1985

Mackey, Randall A., 1985

Roberts, Allen D., 1985

Swenson, Sharon L., 1985

D’Arc, James V., 1986

Nelson, Richard A., 1987

D’Arc, James V., 1989

Loy, R. Phillip, 1990

Brinkerhoff, Merlin B., and Elaine Grandin, 1991

Nibley, Paul, 1993

Bell, E. Jay, 1994

Introvigne, Massimo, 1994

Scott, David W., 1994

Lefler, Thomas J., 1996

Rather, Susan C., 1997

Freedom of expression

Palmer, Allen W., 1979

Frontier and frontier press

Penrose, C. W., 1912

McMurtrie, Douglas C., 1931

———, 1932

———, 1933

Snider, Cecil A., 1933a

———, 1933b

“Journalism in Pioneer Days,” 1944

Mortensen, A. Russell, 1949

Ashton, Wendell J., 1950

Mortensen, A. R., 1952

Leonard, Glen M., 1972

Pedersen, Lyman C., Jr., 1974

Baker, John D., 1976

McLaws, Monte B., 1977

Beecher, Maureen U., 1985

Fleming, Robert, 1996

Gates, Susa Young

Cracroft, Richard P., 1951

Baker, Sherry, 1988


Leonard, Glen M., 1972

Godmakers, The (film)

Eagle, Donald A., 1985

Mackey, Randall A., 1985

Roberts, Allen D., 1985

Swenson, Sharon L., 1985

Introvigne, Massimo, 1994

Graham, Winifred

Thorp, Malcolm R., 1979

Hemenway, Charles Willard

Bennion, Sherilyn C., 1993a

Hinckley, Gordon B.

Shipps, Jan, 1996

Marsh, W. Jeffrey, 2000

Hymnal/hymns, Mormon

Macaré, Hellen H., 1961

Gregory, Fern D., 1984

Hicks, Michael, 1989

Identity, Mormon sense of

Young, Levi E., 1913

Tanner, Terence A., 1996


Merrill, Harrison R., 1930

Snider, Cecil A., 1933a

———, 1933b

Snider, Helen F., 1933

Banks, Loy O., 1950

Sorenson, Parry D., 1962

Oaks, Dallin H., 1965

Foster, Lawrence, 1974

Sperry, Kip, 1975

Barnett, Steven G., 1979

Bray, Robert T., 1979

Jolley, Jerry C., 1982

Mormons: A Dissertation Collection, 1943–1985, 1985

Godfrey, Kenneth W., 1987

Tanner, Terence A., 1988

Golding, Robyn, 1995

Bryner, Elizabeth P., 1996

Ostler, Craig J., 1996

Tanner, Terence A., 1996


of Catholic Church in Mormon press

Lively, Robert L., Jr., 1991

of Chinese in Mormon press

Xu, Shi, 1996

control of, by LDS Church

Cragun, LeAnn, 1981

image building by LDS Church

Mullen, Robert R., 1957

Jacobs, David K., 1967

D’Arc, James V., 1976

Ashton, Wendell J., 1977

Hollstein, Milton C., 1977

White, O. Kendall, and Daryl C. White, 1980

Lyman, Edward L., 1981

Miller, Heather R., 1981

Stathis, Stephen W., 1981

Christensen, Bruce L., 1982

Fletcher, Peggy, 1982

Enroth, Ronald M., and Neil T. Duddy, 1983

Moncrief, William C., Charles W. Lamb Jr., and Sandra Hart, 1986

Mayer, Jean-François, 1988

Tanner, Terence A., 1988

De Pillis, Mario S., 1991

Bringhurst, Newell G., 1992

Olsen, Bruce L., 1992

Shipps, Jan, 1996

Allen, James B., Ronald W. Walker, and David J. Whittaker, 2000

Marsh, W. Jeffrey, 2000

of Mormons and Mormonism

Snider, Cecil A., 1933b

Snider, Helen F., 1933

Clark, James R., 1944

Esplin, Ross S., 1949

Wolsey, Heber G., 1949

Brewer, Courtney H., 1953

Morris, Herbert N., 1958

Mulder, William, and A. Russell Mortensen, eds., 1958

Sostrum, John P., 1960

Cowan, Richard O., 1961

Wright, David G., 1964

Ashliman, D. L., 1967

Lythgoe, Dennis L., 1968

Arrington, Leonard J., 1969

Lythgoe, Dennis L., 1969

Arrington, Leonard J., 1972

Pelo, Dale P., 1973

Shipps, Jan, 1973

Arrington, Leonard J., 1974

Casterline, Gail F., 1974

Cracroft, Richard H., 1974

Foster, Lawrence, 1974

Nelson, Richard A., 1974

———, 1975

Sperry, Kip, 1975

Ashton, Wendell J., 1976

Baker, John D., 1976

Heyer, Terry L., 1976

Norton, W. A., 1976

Bennett, Robert F., 1977

Nelson, Richard A., 1977

Ellsworth, Paul D., 1979

Thorp, Malcolm R., 1979

Shipps, Jan, 1980

Whittaker, David J., 1982

Yancey, Philip, 1983

Burton, Thomas R., 1984

Cracroft, Richard H., 1984

Mauss, Armand L., 1984

Nelson, Richard A., 1984

D’Arc, James V., 1985

Swenson, Sharon L., 1985

Bunker, Gary L., and Davis Bitton, 1986

Nelson, Richard A., 1987

Carre, Hand, 1989

D’Arc, James V., 1989

Iannaccone, Laurences R., and Carrie A. Miles, 1990

Loy, R. Phillip, 1990

Homer, Michael W., 1991

Norton, Walter A., 1991

Chandler, Rebecca W., 1992

Holzapfel, Richard N., 1992

Nibley, Paul, 1993

Homer, Michael W., 1996

Ostler, Craig J., 1996

Givens, Terryl L., 1997

Shipps, Jan, 1998

Smith, Craig S., 1998

Chen, Chiung Hwang, and Ethan Yorgason, 1999

Chen, Chiung Hwang, 2000

Shipps, Jan, 2000

Takagi, Shinji, 2001

Chen, Chiung Hwang, 2003

of Mormons compared to Branch Davidians

Russell, J. Neil, 1994

of Mormons in textbooks

Ward, Gordon A., 1959

of Mormons in travel narratives and travel literature

Snow, Edwina Jo, 1972

Morin, Karen M., and Jeanne K. Guelke, 1998

Smith, Craig S., 1998

of Mormons on television

Bills, Wayne R., 1984

of Mormon women

Bitton, Davis, and Gary L. Bunker, 1978a

Evans, Vella N., 1985

Anderson, John R., 1986

Evans, Vella N., 1992

Vance, Laura, 2002

of Motherhood

Wilcox, Linda P., 1987

visual images of Mormons (including cartoons)

Bunker, Gary L., and Davis Bitton, 1977

Bitton, Davis, and Gary L. Bunker, 1978a

———, 1978b

Francis, Rell G., 1978

Bunker, Gary L., and Davis Bitton, 1983a

———, 1983b

Jacobs, David L., 1987


Whittaker, David J., 1980


Saunders, Richard L., 2000

Indexes of books and periodicals (see also Bibliographies)

Snider, Cecil A., 1933b

Morris, Herbert N., 1958

Arrington, Leonard J., 1966

Stathis, Stephen W., 1983a

———, 1983b

Holley, Robert P., and Yvonne Stroup, eds., 1984

Smith, Wayne P., 1988

Whittaker, David J., 1995

Todd, Jay M., 2000

Institutes of Religion

Louw, Ronald C., 1976

Intellectualism in Mormon culture

Arrington, Leonard J., 1966

———, 1969


Barker, Brian, 2000

Gold, Laura Maery, 2000

Rasmussen, Russell C., 2000

Interpretational strategies

Olson, Ernest L., 1949

Cragun, LeAnn, 1981

Stout, Daniel A., David W. Scott, and Dennis G. Martin, 1996

Interpretive communities

Stout, Daniel A., 1993

Scott, David W., 1994

Italy, growth of LDS Church in

Homer, Michael W., 1991

———, 1996

Johnson, Sonia

Shipps, Jan, 1980

Lange, Dorothea

Jacobs, David L., 1987

Law, Wilson

Barnett, Steven G., 1979

Liahona, the Elder’s Journal

Garr, Arnold K., 1986

Lundgren, Jeffrey Don

Chandler, Rebecca W., 1992

Magazines (see periodicals)

McMillan, Duncan J.

Brackenridge, R. Douglas, 1995

Media effects

Sellars, Marie L., H. Reed Geertsen, and Robert M. Gray, 1971

Migration and Mormon journalism

Merrill, Harrison R., 1930

Military newspapers

Pedersen, Lyman C., Jr., 1974


Underwood, Grant, 1981

Lively, Robert L., Jr., 1991

Missionaries, nineteenth-century Mormon

Bush, Lester E., Jr., 1976

Price, Rex T., 1991

Missionary work

Peterson, Virgil V., 1949

Donigan, Robert W., 1964

Ashliman, D. L., 1967

Stewart, Douglas C., 1968

Arrington, Leonard J., 1974

Gottlieb, Robert, and Peter Wiley, 1979

Whittaker, David J., 1980

Burton, Thomas R., 1984

Garr, Arnold K., 1986

Shupe, Anson D., and John Heinerman, 1988

Takagi, Shinji, 2001



Lively, Robert L., Jr., 1991


Jeppson, Lawrence S., 1955


Takagi, Shinji, 2001

North America, of 1903–1945

Garr, Arnold K., 1986

Northern States

Donigan, Robert W., 1964


Jennings, Warren A., 1967

Sperry, Kip, 1975

Parkin, Max H., 1978

Moore, Richard G., 1983

Mormon Maid, A (film)

Nelson, Richard A., 1987


attacks on, by non-Mormon presses

Sostrum, John P., 1960

Cowan, Richard O., 1961

Baker, John D., 1976

Copeland, David A., 1995


Young, Levi E., 1913

Mulder, William, 1947

Banks, Loy O., 1948

Olson, Ernest L., 1949

Peterson, Virgil V., 1949

Mulder, William, and A. Russell Mortensen, eds., 1958

Macaré, Hellen H., 1961

Arrington, Leonard J., 1966

Wolsey, Heber G., 1967

Sellars, Marie L., H. Reed Geertsen, and Robert M. Gray, 1971

Arrington, Leonard J., 1972

Casterline, Gail F., 1974

Nelson, Richard A., 1974

Mauss, Armand L., 1984

Underwood, Grant, 1984

Jacobs, David L., 1987

Wilcox, Linda P., 1987

Buice, David, 1988

Peterson, Mary Kay, and F. Ross Peterson, 1988

D’Arc, James V., 1989

Peterson, Tarla Rai, 1991

Kunde, Gregory T., 1993

Nibley, Paul, 1993

Tanner, Terence A., 1996

Whittaker, David J., 1997

Shipps, Jan, 2000

identity, sense of

Tanner, Terence A., 1988

Internet and

Gold, Laura Maery, 2000

Rasmussen, Russell C., 2000

interpretational strategies, and

Olson, Ernest L., 1949

Cragun, LeAnn, 1981

Stout, Daniel A., David W. Scott, and Dennis G. Martin, 1996

mainstream, as

Stathis, Stephen W., and Dennis L. Lythgoe, 1977

“Going My Way,” 1980

Gottlieb, Robert, and Peter Wiley, 1986

De Pillis, Mario S., 1991

media literacy, and

Smart, Max N., 1952

Stout, Daniel A., 1999

———, 2002

minority, as

Chen, Chiung Hwang, and Ethan Yorgason, 1999

Chen, Chiung Hwang, 2000

nineteenth-century non-Mormon press, in

“List of Works in the Library Relating to Mormons,” 1909

Snider, Cecil A., 1933a

———, 1933b

Snider, Helen F., 1933

Alter, J. Cecil, 1938

Shipps, Jan, 1973

Sperry, Kip, 1975

Lynn, Karen, 1981

Givens, Terryl L., 1997

Takagi, Shinji, 2001

reading habits of

Smart, Max N., 1952

Valenti, JoAnn M., and Daniel A. Stout, 1996

sexual practices of

Bernardi, Debra, 1996

television and

Ford, James E., 1983

travel literature about

Snow, Edwina Jo, 1972

Morin, Karen M., and Jeanne K. Guelke, 1998

Smith, Craig S., 1998

viewing religious programming

Gottlieb, Robert, and Peter Wiley, 1979

Miller, Heather R., 1981

Bills, Wayne R., 1984

Roof, Wade C., 1984

Hinch, Terry A., 1990


Burton, Thomas R., 1984

Takagi, Shinji, 2001

Mormon Tabernacle Choir

Gregory, Fern D., 1984

Hicks, Michael, 1989


Fleming, Robert, 1996


Macaré, Hellen H., 1961

Hicks, Michael, 1989

New Northwest

Bennion, Sherilyn C., 1977

New York

Norton, Walter A., 1991


Barker, Brian, 2000


Clark, James R., 1944

Mulder, William, 1947

Banks, Loy O., 1948

Mortensen, A. Russell, 1949

Olson, Ernest L., 1949

Peterson, Virgil V., 1949

Ashton, Wendell J., 1950

Banks, Loy O., 1950

Mortensen, A. R., 1952

Smart, Max N., 1952

Munn, Martin B., 1961

Sorenson, Parry D., 1962

Greenwell, James R., 1963

Oaks, Dallin H., 1965

Olsen, Bruce L., 1965

Bray, Lawrence H., 1966

Heller, Luther L., 1966

Jennings, Warren A., 1967

Carpenter, Don A., 1968

McCardell, Wallin S., 1968

Beckham, Raymond E., 1969

Malmquist, Orvin N., 1971

McLaws, Monte B., 1971

Foster, Lawrence, 1974

Pedersen, Lyman C., Jr., 1974

Sperry, Kip, 1975

Norton, W. A., 1976

Stathis, Stephen W., and Dennis L. Lythgoe, 1977

Swenson, Paul, 1977

Showalter, Betty S., 1978

Thatcher, Linda, 1978

Barnett, Steven G., 1979

Bray, Robert T., 1979

Ellsworth, Paul D., 1979

Stahle, Larry, 1980

Jolley, Jerry C., 1982

Beecher, Maureen U., 1985

Bunker, Gary L., and Davis Bitton, 1986

Sataty, Nechama, 1986

Godfrey, Kenneth W., 1987

Buice, David, 1988

Tanner, Terence A., 1988

Laughlin, David L., 1991

Norton, Walter A., 1991

Larson, Suzanne, 1992

Isakson, Janika, 1993

Kunde, Gregory T., 1993

Copeland, David A., 1995

Golding, Robyn, 1995

Bernardi, Debra, 1996

Nelson, Jack A., 1996

Ostler, Craig J., 1996

Tanner, Terence A., 1996

Chen, Chiung Hwang, 2003

Obscenity in mass media

Alstyne, Arvo Van, 1967

Ashton, Wendell J., 1976

Palmer, Allen W., 1979


Norton, Walter A., 1991

Olympic Games, Winter 2002

Chen, Chiung Hwang, 2003


“Pamphlets on Mormonism,” 1906

Arrington, Leonard J., 1974

Foster, Lawrence, 1974

Flake, Chad J., and Dale L. Morgan, 1978

Whittaker, David J., 1982

Panguitch Progress

Showalter, Betty S., 1978


Penrose, C. W., 1912

Smith, W. W., 1921

Lund, A. William, 1930

Merrill, Harrison R., 1930

McMurtrie, Douglas C., 1931

———, 1933

Esplin, Ross S., 1949

Robertson, A. Richard, 1951

Sudweeks, Joseph, 1955

Morris, Herbert N., 1958

Sostrum, John P., 1960

Cowan, Richard O., 1961

Wright, David G., 1964

Lythgoe, Dennis L., 1968

———, 1969

Irving, Gordon, 1972

Bussel, Alan, 1973

Pelo, Dale P., 1973

Shipps, Jan, 1973

Bennion, Sherilyn C., 1976

Heyer, Terry L., 1976

Bennion, Sherilyn C., 1977

Bunker, Gary L., and Davis Bitton, 1977

Eid, Leroy V., 1977

Madsen, Carol C., 1977

Shipps, Jan, 1977

Stathis, Stephen W., and Dennis L. Lythgoe, 1977

Bitton, Davis, and Gary L. Bunker, 1978b

Eccles, Stephen L., 1978

Flake, Chad J., and Dale L. Morgan, 1978

Lyman, Edward L., 1981

Oman, Susan S., 1981

Stathis, Stephen W., 1981

Underwood, Grant, 1981

Madsen, Carol C., 1982

Shields, Steven L., 1982

Moore, Richard G., 1983

Yancey, Philip, 1983

Iversen, Joan, 1984

Mauss, Armand L., 1984

Underwood, Grant, 1984

Appleton, Marianne, and A. Garr Cranney, 1985

Beecher, Maureen U., 1985

Conder, Marjorie D., 1985

Evans, Vella N., 1985

Anderson, John R., 1986

Bunker, Gary L., and Davis Bitton, 1986

Garr, Arnold K., 1986

Sataty, Nechama, 1986

Elliott, Dorice, 1987

Wilcox, Linda P., 1987

Baker, Sherry, 1988

Peterson, Mary Kay, and F. Ross Peterson, 1988

Smith, Wayne P., 1988

Bennion, Sherilyn C., 1989

Epperson, Steven, 1989

Iannaccone, Laurences R., and Carrie A. Miles, 1990

Loy, R. Phillip, 1990

Lively, Robert L., Jr., 1991

Bennion, Sherilyn C., 1993b

Brackenridge, R. Douglas, 1995

Godfrey, Audrey M., 1995

Bernardi, Debra, 1996

Chen, Chiung Hwang, 2000

Todd, Jay M., 2000

Vance, Laura, 2002


Francis, Rell G., 1978

Jacobs, David, 1987

Plural Marriage (see Polygamy/polygyny)


Bennion, Sherilyn C., 1981b

Beecher, Maureen U., 1985


Shipps, Jan, 1973

Casterline, Gail F., 1974

Cracroft, Richard H., 1974

Foster, Lawrence, 1974

Nelson, Richard A., 1975

Baker, John D., 1976

Lynn, Karen, 1981

Iversen, Joan, 1984

Mormons: A Dissertation Collection, 1943–1985, 1985

Larson, Suzanne, 1992

Bennion, Sherilyn C., 1993b

Copeland, David A., 1995

Bernardi, Debra, 1996

Pingree, Gregory, 1996

Morin, Karen M., and Jeanne K. Guelke, 1998

Johnson-Bennion, Daniela, 2000

Press relations

Jeppson, Lawrence S., 1955

Shipps, Jan, 2000

Priesthood, blacks and the

Haroldsen, Edwin O., and K. Harvey, 1979

White, O. Kendall, and Daryl C. White, 1980

Bringhurst, Newell G., 1992


Jennings, Warren A., 1967

Nelson, Richard A., 1984

———, 1987

Rather, Susan C., 1997

Provo Daily Herald

Mc Cardell, Wallin S., 1968

Beckham, Raymond E., 1972

Public relations

Jeppson, Lawrence S., 1955

Mullen, Robert R., 1957

Ashton, Wendell J., 1976

Louw, Ronald C., 1976

Ashton, Wendell J., 1977

Bennett, Robert F., 1977

Shipps, Jan, 1980

Cragun, LeAnn, 1981

Christensen, Bruce L., 1982

Fletcher, Peggy, 1982

Enroth, Ronald M., and Neil T. Duddy, 1983

Shupe, Anson D., and John Heinerman, 1988

Carre, Hand, 1989

Chandler, Rebecca W., 1992

Olsen, Bruce L., 1992

Shipps, Jan, 1996

———, 1998

Allen, James B., Ronald W. Walker, and David J. Whittaker, 2000

Marsh, W. Jeffrey, 2000

Shipps, Jan, 2000

Chen, Chiung Hwang, 2003

Publicity, adverse

Jeppson, Lawrence S., 1955

Ashton, Wendell J., 1976

White, O. Kendall, and Daryl C. White, 1980

Chandler, Rebecca W., 1992

Bennion, Sherilyn C., 1993b

Brackenridge, R. Douglas, 1995

Copeland, David A., 1995

Bryner, Elizabeth P., 1996

Pingree, Gregory, 1996

Morin, Karen M., and Jeanne K. Guelke, 1998


Eid, Leroy V., 1977

Bitton, Davis, and Gary L. Bunker, 1978b

Pusey, M. J.

Pusey, Merlo J., 1977


Wolsey, Heber G., 1949

Brewer, Courtney H., 1953

Jacobson, Pearl F., 1964

Wolsey, Heber G., 1967

Ashton, Wendell J., 1977

Esplin, Fred C., 1977

Gottlieb, Robert, and Peter Wiley, 1979

Gregory, Fern D., 1984

Roof, Wade C., 1984

Hinch, Terry A., 1990

Armstrong, Richard N., 1997

Relief Society Magazine

Godfrey, Audrey M., 1995

Religious programming

Gottlieb, Robert, and Peter Wiley, 1979

Miller, Heather R., 1981

Bills, Wayne R., 1984

Roof, Wade C., 1984

Hinch, Terry A., 1990

Richards, Lula Greene

Bennion, Sherilyn C., 1981b

Salt Lake Sanitarian

Bennion, Sherilyn C., 1989

Salt Lake Tribune

Jack, Ralph L., 1954

Heller, Luther L., 1966

Beckham, Raymond E., 1969

Malmquist, Orvin N., 1971


Cracroft, Richard H., 1974

Bunker, Gary L., and Davis Bitton, 1977

Eid, Leroy V., 1977

Bitton, Davis, and Gary L. Bunker, 1978a

———, 1978b

Cracroft, Richard H., 1984

Bunker, Gary L., and Davis Bitton, 1986

Scandinavian newspapers

Mulder, William, 1947

Olson, Ernest L., 1949

Björk, Kenneth O., 1962

Mulder, William, 1986


Ford, James E., 1983

Appleton, Marianne, and A. Garr Cranney, 1985

Mormons: A Dissertation Collection, 1943–1985, 1985

Smith, Wayne P., 1988

Sloan, R. W.

Leonard, Glen M., 1972

Smith, Elias

Mortensen, A. Russell, ed., 1953

Smith, Joseph

Banks, Loy O., 1950

Mulder, William, and A. Russell Mortensen, eds., 1958

Norton, W. A., 1976

Ellsworth, Paul D., 1979

Ford, James E., 1983

Mormons: A Dissertation Collection, 1943–1985, 1985

Godfrey, Kenneth W., 1987

Sherry, Thomas E., 1988

Epperson, Steven, 1989

Smoot, Reed

Shipps, Jan, 1977

Social differences, religious

Cragun, LeAnn, 1981

Mauss, Armand L., 1984

South Africa

Whittaker, David J., 1980

Southern Star, Chattanooga, Tennessee

Buice, David, 1988

Sun-Advocate, Price, Utah

Allred, Edith May A., 1963


Wolsey, Heber G., 1967

Stewart, Douglas C., 1968

Nelson, Richard A., 1973

Scott, David W., 2003

Temple Visitors’ Centers (see also Visitors’ Centers)

Ashton, Wendell J., 1977

Esplin, Fred C., 1977

Gottlieb, Robert, and Peter Wiley, 1979

Ford, James E., 1983

Bills, Wayne R., 1984

Roof, Wade C., 1984

Hinch, Terry A., 1990

Stout, Daniel A., 1993

———, 1994

Armstrong, Richard N., 1997

Simmons, Diena, 2002

Times and Seasons

Sorenson, Parry D., 1962

Bray, Robert T., 1979

Tanner, Terence A., 1988

Epperson, Steven, 1989

Travel literature and narratives, Mormons in

Snow, Edwina Jo, 1972

Morin, Karen M., and Jeanne K. Guelke, 1998

Smith, Craig S., 1998

Twain, Mark

Cracroft, Richard H., 1974

———, 1984


cities in

Allred, Edith May A., 1963

Fairbanks, Merwin G., 1964

Carpenter, Don A., 1968

Mc Cardell, Wallin S., 1968

Beckham, Raymond E., 1972

Pedersen, Lyman C., Jr., 1974

Fairbourn, E. LeGrand, 1983

Hafen, Thomas K., 1997

Morin, Karen M., and Jeanne K. Guelke, 1998

Smith, Craig S., 1998

Shipps, Jan, 2000

immunizations in

Sellars, Marie L., H. Reed Geertsen, and Robert M. Gray, 1971

liquor laws of

Beckham, Raymond E., 1969

newspaper war in

Heller, Luther L., 1966

Beckham, Raymond E., 1969

newspapers and periodicals
(see separate subject entries for the following)

Anti-Polygamy Standard


Children’s Friend

Church News

Daily Union Vedette

Deseret News


Emory County Progress-Leader


Liahona, the Elder’s Journal

Mountaineer, The

Panguitch Progress

Provo Daily Herald

Relief Society Magazine

Salt Lake Sanitarian

Salt Lake Tribune

Scandinavian newspapers


Utah Posten

Valley Tan

Wasatch Wave

Woman’s Exponent


Shipps, Jan, 1977

Bunker, Gary L., and Davis Bitton, 1983b

Pingree, Gregory, 1996

Saunders, Richard L., 2000

printing in

Penrose, C. W., 1912

Smith, W. W., 1921

Merrill, Harrison R., 1930

McMurtrie, Douglas C., 1931

———, 1932

———, 1933

Alter, J. Cecil, 1938

“Journalism in Pioneer Days,” 1944

Mulder, William, 1947

Mortensen, A. Russell, 1949

Olson, Ernest L., 1949

Ashton, Wendell J., 1950

Cracroft, Richard P., 1951

Mortensen, A. R., 1952

Smart, Max N., 1952

Mortensen, A. Russell, ed., 1953

Jack, Ralph L., 1954

Munn, Martin B., 1961

Björk, Kenneth O., 1962

Allred, Edith May A., 1963

Greenwell, James R., 1963

Fairbanks, Merwin G., 1964

Olsen, Bruce L., 1965

Heller, Luther L., 1966

Carpenter, Don A., 1968

Mc Cardell, Wallin S., 1968

Beckham, Raymond E., 1969

Malmquist, Orvin N., 1971

McLaws, Monte B., 1971

Beckham, Raymond E., 1972

Leonard, Glen M., 1972

Pedersen, Lyman C., Jr., 1974

Bennion, Sherilyn C., 1976

McLaws, Monte B., 1977

Swenson, Paul, 1977

Showalter, Betty S., 1978

Stahle, Larry, 1980

Bennion, Sherilyn C., 1981a

Winkler, Lorna M., 1981

Bennion, S. C., 1982

Madsen, Carol C., 1982

Holley, Robert P., and Yvonne Stroup, eds., 1984

Iversen, Joan, 1984

Beecher, Maureen U., 1985

Madsen, Carol C., 1985

Thatcher, Linda, and John R. Sillito, 1985

Bennion, Sherilyn C., 1989

Ashton, Wendell, 1995

Fleming, Robert, 1996

Nelson, Jack A., 1996

Hafen, Thomas K., 1997

Baker, Sherry, 2000

Barker, Brian, 2000

Saunders, Richard L., 2000

Todd, Jay M., 2000


Lyman, Edward L., 1981

Utah Newspaper Project

Holley, Robert P., and Yvonne Stroup, eds., 1984

Utah Posten

Björk, Kenneth O., 1962

Utah Woman’s Press Club

“Journalism in Pioneer Days,” 1944

Thatcher, Linda, and John R. Sillito, 1985

Baker, Sherry, 2000

Valley Tan

Fleming, Robert, 1996

Nelson, Jack A., 1996

Virility, Mormon men and

Bush, Lester E., Jr., 1976

Visitors’ Centers

Fairbourn, E. LeGrand, 1983

Holzapfel, Richard N., 1992

Hafen, Thomas K., 1997

Wagonmaster (film)

Loy, R. Phillip, 1990

Wallace, Mike

Shipps, Jan, 1996

Ward, Artemus

Cracroft, Richard H., 1974

———, 1984

Wasatch Wave

Fairbanks, Merwin G., 1964


Jolley, Jerry C., 1982

Wells, Emmeline B.

Madsen, Carol C., 1982

———, 1985

Windows of Heaven, The (film)

Bell, E. Jay, 1994

Woman suffrage

Jack, Ralph L., 1954

Bennion, Sherilyn C., 1977

Peterson, Tarla Rai, 1991

Larson, Suzanne, 1992

Isakson, Janika, 1993

Woman’s Exponent

Bennion, Sherilyn C., 1976

———, 1977

Madsen, Carol C., 1977

———, 1982

Iversen, Joan, 1984

Beecher, Maureen U., 1985

Wilcox, Linda P., 1987

Peterson, Tarla Rai, 1991

Bennion, Sherilyn C., 1993b

Isakson, Janika, 1993

Johnson-Bennion, Daniela, 2000

Women, Mormon

Jack, Ralph L., 1954

Bussel, Alan, 1973

Casterline, Gail F., 1974

Bennion, Sherilyn C., 1976

———, 1977

Madsen, Carol C., 1977

Bitton, Davis, and Gary L. Bunker, 1978a

Showalter, Betty S., 1978

Bennion, Sherilyn C., 1981a

———, 1981b

Madsen, Carol C., 1982

Iversen, Joan, 1984

Appleton, Marianne, and A. Garr Cranney, 1985

Beecher, Maureen U., 1985

Conder, Marjorie D., 1985

Evans, Vella N., 1985

Madsen, Carol C., 1985

Thatcher, Linda, and John R. Sillito, 1985

Anderson, John R., 1986

Wilcox, Linda P., 1987

Baker, Sherry, 1988

Iannaccone, Laurences R., and Carrie A. Miles, 1990

Peterson, Tarla Rai, 1991

Evans, Vella N., 1992

Larson, Suzanne, 1992

Bennion, Sherilyn C., 1993b

Isakson, Janika, 1993

Stout, Daniel A., 1993

———, 1994

Godfrey, Audrey M., 1995

Valenti, JoAnn M., and Daniel A. Stout, 1996

Morin, Karen M., and Jeanne K. Guelke, 1998

Baker, Sherry, 2000

Johnson-Bennion, Daniela, 2000

Vance, Laura, 2002

Women’s rights

Bussel, Alan, 1973

Peterson, Tarla Rai, 1991

Cluff, Sasha S., 1996

Women’s roles

Bennion, Sherilyn C., 1976

Madsen, Carol C., 1977

Showalter, Betty S., 1978

Bennion, Sherilyn C., 1981a

Madsen, Carol C., 1982

Iversen, Joan, 1984

Conder, Marjorie D., 1985

Evans, Vella N., 1985

Anderson, John R., 1986

Wilcox, Linda P., 1987

Baker, Sherry, 1988

Iannaccone, Laurences R., and Carrie A. Miles, 1990

Peterson, Tarla Rai, 1991

Evans, Vella N., 1992

Larson, Suzanne, 1992

Bennion, Sherilyn C., 1993b

Godfrey, Audrey M., 1995

Cluff, Sasha S., 1996

Morin, Karen M., and Jeanne K. Guelke, 1998

Johnson-Bennion, Daniela, 2000

Vance, Laura, 2002

Woodward, Kenneth

“Going My Way,” 1980

Young Woman’s Journal

Baker, Sherry, 1988

Young, Brigham

McMurtrie, Douglas C., 1931

———, 1933

Mulder, William, and A. Russell Mortensen, eds., 1958

Mormons: A Dissertation Collection, 1943–1985, 1985

Bunker, Gary L., and Davis Bitton, 1986


Wilson, Diona M., 1997

Zanuck, Darryl F.

D’Arc, James V., 1986

———, 1989

About the author(s)

Sherry Baker is Associate Professor and Associate Chair for Graduate Studies in the Department of Communications at Brigham Young University. She received her Ph.D. in mass media history, law, and ethics from the University of Utah.

Daniel Stout is Associate Professor in the Department of Communications at Brigham Young University. He earned a Ph.D. from Rutgers. He is co-editor of the Journal of Media and Religion.

The authors would like to thank Holly Cox, Mary Beth McMurray Fortunato, EmmaLee Haight, Tecia Hall Memmott, and Michele Riley (all master’s students in the Department of Communications at Brigham Young University) for their assistance with this bibliography and Dr. Allen Palmer for his comments.


1. Spencer W. Kimball, as quoted in Russell C. Rasmussen, “Computers and the Internet in the Church,” in Out of Obscurity: The LDS Church in the Twentieth Century (Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 2000), 277.

2. Gordon B. Hinckley, as quoted in Rasmussen, “Computers and the Internet,” 278.

3. Richard O. Cowan, “The Latter-day Saint Century,” in Out of Obscurity, 19.

4. Jay M. Todd, “An Overview of Church Magazines in the Twentieth Century: With Appendixes A, B, C,” paper presented at the Twenty-Ninth Annual Sidney B. Sperry Symposium, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah, September 9, 2000, 6, videocassette.

5. A Relief Society lesson addresses “the power of the media.” “The Powerful Influence of the Media,” Come unto Me: Relief Society Personal Study Guide (Salt Lake City: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1991), 194–99. Soap opera and other daytime viewing is discouraged in an article appearing in the Ensign. Kelly Strong Thacker, “TV Free: Giving Up the Daytime Habit,” Ensign 21 (July 1991): 29–31. Elder M. Russell Ballard of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles has devoted entire conference talks to the potentially harmful effects of television on Mormon audiences and to encouraging the production of positive media and mitigating negative media effects on families and Mormon audiences in general. M. Russell Ballard, “The Effects of Television,” Ensign 19 (May 1989): 78–81; and M. Russell Ballard, “Let Our Voices Be Heard,” Ensign 33 (November 2003): 16–19.

6. Gordon B. Hinckley points out a number of benefits of magazines, movies, and television programs: “Let there be good magazines about the house, those which are produced by the Church and by others, which will stimulate their thoughts to ennobling concepts. Let them read a good family newspaper that they may know what is going on in the world. . . . When there is a good show in town, go to the theater as a family. Your patronage will give encouragement to those who wish to produce this type of entertainment. And use that most remarkable of all tools of communication, television, to enrich their lives.” Gordon B. Hinckley, “Opposing Evil,” Ensign 5 (November 1975): 39.

7. David J. Whittaker, “The Web of Print: Toward a History of the Book in Early Mormon Culture,” Journal of Mormon History 23, no. 1 (1997): 1.

8. Whittaker, “The Web of Print,” 5.

9. Whittaker, “The Web of Print,” 37.

10. Harold D. Lasswell, “The Structure and Function of Communication in Society,” in Mass Communications, ed. Wilbur Schramm (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1960), 117.

11. Wilbur Schramm, Men, Women, Messages, and Media: Understanding Human Communication (New York: Harper and Row, 1982); Joseph Straubhaar and Robert LaRose, Communications Media in the Information Society (Belmont, Calif.: Wadsworth, 2000), 7, 12, 15.


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