Hymn for the Nauvoo Temple


Now is the time for labor. Let the fire of the covenant which you made in the House of the Lord, burn in your hearts, like flame unquenchable.

      Brigham Young

Steadfast fathers who stayed and begged the holy gift
by faith sought grace and truth within the veil.
Brigham’s mighty labor blessed—saints received, then left,
enabled to follow the hardest trail.

Once wind and pride and fire felled these holy stones,
made saints progress and in a desert gather—
but humble flame and smaller wind with stillest tones
have turned our stony hearts to flesh and Father.

With temple built new in sight of earth and heaven,
we wait and glory to receive our Savior.
With a covenant of fire that will not end,
shout “Hosanna!” Now is the time for labor.



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