32. “Live in the Spirit”

Paul Confers the Holy Ghost

Chart 15-3: “Paul’s Missionary Experiences,” Charting the New Testament
The book of Acts provides an overview of Paul’s missionary experiences. This chart shows where he went and what happened in each place, according to Acts. Every missionary and member of the Church should be accompanied by the Holy Ghost throughout their ministries. Paul exemplifies this as he receives the Holy Ghost (Acts 13:52), preaches and heals by the Spirit, and confers the gift of the Holy Ghost to others (Acts 19:6).
“The Sacred Roles of the Holy Ghost,” Elder Kevin R. Duncan, Ensign, October 2014
Paul understood the importance of teaching his scattered converts about the Holy Ghost. They would need this gift as they continued to live the gospel after Paul left them. Seeking the companionship of the spirit is just as critical for modern Saints. Heavenly Father expects us to “remain worthy to enjoy the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost” by avoiding attitudes and actions that will keep us from that revelation. In this article, Kevin R. Duncan tells how personal experiences have shown him that the Holy Ghost is our protector, revelator, comforter, teacher, and sanctifier. The guidance of the Holy Ghost must be sought after diligently if we are to receive promptings.