10. “Take My Yoke upon You, and Learn of Me”

Jesus Forgives

“Repentance,” James K. Lyon, Encyclopedia of Mormonism
In Luke 7:36-50, Jesus explains that the woman’s actions showed true repentance while the Pharisee’s did not. This short article on repentance in the Encyclopedia of Mormonism discusses the blessings and growth that can take place as true repentance occurs. Repentance is “the process by which humans set aside or overcome sins by changing hearts, attitudes, and actions that are out of harmony with God’s teachings.” The author, James Lyon, emphasizes why repentance is necessary and central to God’s plan.
Jesus Is the Lord of the Sabbath

“The Book of Jonah: Foreshadowings of Jesus as the Christ,” David R. Scott, BYU Studies, Vol. 53, no. 3
Jesus’ declaration that he is the Lord of the Sabbath is linked to the rest of Matthew 12, wherein he refers to the “sign of Jonah” (Matt. 12:38-41). He is evoking not only the parallel of spending three days in a great fish/tomb, he evokes many elements of the book of Jonah that his audience would have understood. These include: Jonah was uniquely called to teach to Gentiles, just as Jesus’ atonement would be universal. Both Jonah and Jesus had experiences with storms at sea being calmed by God. Both Jonah and Jesus were “lifted up” and sacrificed. Both Jonah and Jesus felt forsaken, Jonah saying, “I am cast out of thy sight,” and Jesus asking why God had forsaken him. This article shows that Jonah’s experience foreshadows many aspects of Jesus’ mission.