38. “Beside Me There Is No Saviour”

These passages of Isaiah’s poetry contain imagery of strength, soaring, and suffering that prophecies of Christ.

“All the Prophets Prophesied of Christ,” by D. Kelly Ogden and R. Val Johnson, Ensign, January 1994
Despite some lack of clarity in the Old Testament scriptures, prophecies and foreshadowing gave clues to readers about the coming of the Messiah. The chart in this article identifies many scriptural passages that foretold the Messiah’s advent centuries before he came. Old Testament scriptures (including many from Isaiah) point to his birth, his name, his ministry, his suffering and atonement, his resurrection, his visit to the spirit world, his visit to a branch of Joseph, and his ascension.

“The God of Israel and the Nations, Isaiah 36–47,” Old Testament Student Manual, Kings–Malachi, 1982.
These chapters in the prophet’s writings parallel the narrative account recorded in 2 Kings 18:2–20:19. The preceding chapters in Isaiah include a mix of prophetic poetry and historical prose. The prophet used a beautiful poetic writing style for the entire portion covered in this reading, with the brief exception of 44:9–20. Hebrew poetry differs from poetry written in English, primarily because it emphasizes parallelism in thought, rather than rhyme and meter.

“Wings as Eagles: What Eagles’ Wings Tell Us about the Blessings of Keeping Covenants,” Ensign, July 2016
This short article describes the characteristics of eagles’ wing. Having “wings as eagles” (Isaiah 40:31) helps us soar toward the heavens, find nourishment, and receive renewed strength.